Topic: Economic Education

A Profound Misdiagnosis of American Transit

– December 19, 2023

“We don’t need a resurgence of government spending on research and development to get more innovation in our transit systems. We just need governments to get out of the way!” ~Paul Mueller


Are Entrepreneurs Insufficiently Incited to Compete in Markets that Serve Low-Income People?

– December 17, 2023

“We then must ask: If low-income people are indeed beset by monopoly prices, why don’t entrepreneurs sweep in to compete those prices down to competitive levels?” ~Donald J. Boudreaux


It’s Time to Discard Piketty’s Inequality Statistics

– November 28, 2023

“As the study and measurement of inequality progresses, Piketty’s (and his team’s) main estimates have become obsolete and might be properly consigned to the field of the history of economic thought.” ~Phil Magness & Vincent Geloso


ESG as an Artifact of Zero Interest Rate Policy

– November 19, 2023

“The reasons attributed to billions of dollars leaving the ESG sector include concerns about greenwashing and political backlash. That the flight of funds coincides almost perfectly with the start of inflation and turned negative shortly after the Fed began its contractionary policy bias is either not noticed or considered.” ~Peter C. Earle


‘The Psychology of Money’ Isn’t About Psychology or Money

– November 18, 2023

“Ultimately, Housel’s book achieves its goal of conveying the richness of factors that influence financial decisions, but it blithely ignores economic principles that are the foundation of its subject.” ~Byron Carson


Does Everybody Gain?

– November 13, 2023

“Large gains are enabled by protecting individuals’ rights to cooperate with anyone on whatever terms they would find acceptable, combined with others’ rights to say no to whatever offers they find unacceptable.” ~Gary M. Galles


In Memoriam: Maureen H. Foulke 1929 – 2023

– November 8, 2023

“Maureen was a dear friend to the community of AIER supporters. We will greatly miss her enthusiasm, energy, and charm.” ~John L. Barry


The Economic Lesson in Ghostbusters Everyone Missed

– October 31, 2023

“The meddling bureaucrat is given one last chance to avoid causing a catastrophe when the utility man tells him maybe they should listen to the people who, you know, actually designed the system.” ~Jon Miltimore


Emoting Is Easier (and More Fun) Than Is Thinking Dispassionately

– October 29, 2023

“The mindset that recognizes the ubiquity of trade-offs tempers any proclivity its owners might have toward justifying their policy stances with enormous heapings of emotions.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux


Capitalism is a “DDoLL”

– October 24, 2023

“One thousand people can be unimaginably more wealthy than eight people. Division of labor is the most important source of increasing returns to scale in the market system.” ~Michael Munger


Curtailing Violence with Economic Freedom

– October 19, 2023

“Allow individuals to build it and make clear that they cannot force others to build it for them, and they will build it. And, most likely, they will not want to blow it up.” ~Robert E. Wright


Why Pfizer and Moderna Are Suddenly Charging 500 Percent More for COVID Shots

– October 14, 2023

“Pfizer has a lot of leeway in the price it chooses to charge for its vaccine — especially when one considers almost all rival competitors have been sidelined by the Food and Drug Administration.” ~Jon Miltimore