Topic: Classical Liberalism

New Hampshire’s Lesson for America

– December 11, 2023

“an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: Never give government tools it will be tempted to abuse in the first place.


Where Have You Gone, Alex P. Keaton?

– November 30, 2023

“Respect for individual freedom, in particular the freedom of thought, is much lower than at any time in my life. It is easy to imagine a latter-day Alex showing up at Leland’s freshman orientation only to be canceled and chased from campus by an angry mob.” ~Paul McDonnold


Thinking About the Regulation of Industrial Emissions Differently, Part II

– November 27, 2023

“All we know here is that humans are innovative and have a great capacity to creatively meet challenges without being prodded by politicians or mandarins. But no one can predict in detail how this creativity will manifest itself.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux


Can We Pass Adam Smith’s Finger Test?  

– November 11, 2023

“We have allowed our institutions to be hijacked by illiberal authoritarians posing as humanists. Should it surprise us that morality is in short supply?” ~Barry Brownstein


Neither Democracy Nor “Union Democracy” are Ideals 

– November 5, 2023

“‘Democratically’ violating people’s rights is the default setting for legislation and regulation today, rather than the rare exception.” ~Gary Galles


Liberty Curious Podcast: Decolonization from Theory to Practice

– October 30, 2023

“The critical theory outlook says ‘No we don’t really have so much room for alternative viewpoints,” and they consider everything that’s associated with free markets and liberal capitalism as the enemy to be driven out of the academy.” ~Phillip W. Magness


Liberalism: What Does It Even MEAN? Political Scientist Explains

– October 20, 2023

“Progressives and conservatives are both convinced that their morality and vision for society is correct, and have no qualms about using the power of the state to impose it upon the rest of us.” ~Michael Munger


To Live for Grievances Risks Liberty 

– October 19, 2023

“How many minor and major irritations and grievances occupy your thinking throughout the day? What do we sacrifice when our attention is centered on grievances?” ~Barry Brownstein


Curtailing Violence with Economic Freedom

– October 19, 2023

“Allow individuals to build it and make clear that they cannot force others to build it for them, and they will build it. And, most likely, they will not want to blow it up.” ~Robert E. Wright


Not Only to No Single Person, But to No Council or Senate Whatever

– October 18, 2023

“Some Republicans’ apparent assumption that the American economy would benefit if American companies operated fully within the US badly misperceives the basic realities of globalized trade.” ~David B. McGarry


A “Flame of Fire” for Every Age: James Otis and the Writs of Assistance

– October 8, 2023

“Otis asserted that every man, merely natural, was an independent sovereign, subject to no law, but the law written on his heart, and revealed to him by his Maker in the constitution of his nature and the inspiration of his understanding and his conscience.”