“It’s incumbent upon ESG critics to advocate an alternative vision, not merely to fall in line with convention.” ~Russell Greene
READ MORE“The best way to address unfair trade practices is not through blanket tariffs but by expanding trade with allies and non-hostile nations.” ~Vance Ginn
READ MORE“Tax and spending reform takes more than ‘electing the right people.’ It must be politically profitable for the wrong people to make the right choices.” ~Thomas Savidge
READ MORE“Sellers see fewer dollars from their sales while dealing with time-consuming headaches. Buyers see higher home prices.” ~Paul Mueller
READ MORE“Inflation in the United States will end 2024 above the Fed’s target range.” ~Peter C. Earle
READ MORE“The Fed should ignore the political noise and follow the data. Central bankers failed to curb inflation, but that doesn’t mean they should deliberately make the opposite mistake now.” ~Alexander W. Salter
READ MORE“When ‘unity’ means government policies will substitute for choices we would make for ourselves, it means domination, even though we do not want to be dominated.” ~Gary Galles
READ MORE“Money and finance are the font and essence of modernity. I honor and praise the memory of the professionals who worked in the World Trade Center.” ~Peter C. Earle
READ MORE“Full reliance on a public budgeting system for providing access to medical care is a certain prescription for millions of disappointed patients.” ~James C. Capretta
READ MORE“Consumers would be better served if companies could spend more time on improving their services and less on fending off litigation.” ~Noah C. Gould
READ MORE“Politicians’ first-name basis… is a mercenary maneuver to gain our confidence on the cheap. It is literally a con game.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux
READ MORE“Economists have a duty to point out just how destructive these proposals are.” ~Alexander W. Salter
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