Topic: Economic History

Individualism and ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion’

– August 5, 2023

“Collectivist ideologies are ultimately nothing but fantastical escapes from reality, filled with promises of freedom from scarcity and alienation in one’s work.” ~ Jedediah Pida-Reese


The Surprising Beneficiaries of American Slavery

– July 14, 2023

“The late economist Walter E. Williams said that slavery was the worst thing ever to happen to his ancestors, but the best thing ever to happen to him.” ~ Charley Hooper and David R. Henderson


A Brief History of Social Justice

– July 13, 2023

“The underlying problem with social justice is the failure to distinguish between negative rights, which protect liberty and property, and positive rights, which provide a license to violate established negative rights.” ~ Robert F. Mulligan


Imperial Monetary Policy and the Independence Movement

– July 3, 2023

“The road to independence, the Imperial Crisis as some term it, began with resistance to the Stamp Act, which indeed was a type of tax but not, on its face, a particularly onerous one. So the key to understanding the independence movement is to understand why the colonists reacted to the Stamp Act as vigorously as they did.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Announcing New Deal Rebels, edited by Amity Shlaes

– June 18, 2023

“Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’ administration had a transformative impact on American society and the understanding of the government’s role in it. AIER was similarly founded during the same era and in response to that changing nature of government. ” ~ William Ruger


The Collapse of the USSR Was One the Best Things that Happened to the Environment

– June 14, 2023

“These proportions suggest that the collapse of the USSR was an incredibly cheap climate-change mitigation ‘policy.’ Indeed, the mitigation was itself a benefit to economic growth rather than a cost.” ~ Vincent Geloso


Three Myths About Marx

– June 10, 2023

“Findings suggest that political events, rather than intellectual renown, placed Marx on the map.” ~ Phillip W. Magness


Economic Growth Theories Fall into the Dustbin of History (And That’s Okay)

– June 6, 2023

“So, while prominent economists were spinning their unsatisfying theories and lamenting the vicious cycle of poverty, the world got better—on its own.” ~ Jane Shaw Stroup


Eliminating the Debt Ceiling: Is There Anything the 14th Amendment Can’t Do?

– May 23, 2023

“The Biden administration threatens to invoke Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment to sidestep the longstanding federal debt ceiling in a way that would increase the power of the executive branch. ” ~ Robert E. Wright


Adam Smith v. Wesley Jones

– May 7, 2023

“It is long past time Americans saw through the multiple misrepresentations that have defended the Jones Act’s nothing-for-something restrictions for over a century, including twisting Adam Smith’s logic into a false endorsement of its enormously costly restrictions.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Hamilton’s Haircuts

– May 4, 2023

“Whatever you think of the wisdom of Hamilton’s moves, our point is simple and stark: The US government has defaulted in the past.” ~ David R. Henderson and Jeffrey R. Hummel