Topic: Economic Education

The Misuse of Knowledge in Society: Intervention Means Prices are Lying

– September 20, 2021

“Making prices less accurate and less reliable with well-intentioned but misguided controls compounds the problem. It leads to an even bigger pile of errors–a misuse of knowledge in society, in other words.” ~ Art Carden


Opportunity Costs and the Economic Impact Report: They Didn’t See That Coming

– September 19, 2021

“Good reporting helps people because they intuitively understand cost overruns are bad. What would also help people are more council members and commissioners who know to ask about what is not seen: opportunity costs.” ~ Jon Sanders


The Inevitable Failure of Socialism

– September 18, 2021

“As Mises summarized the fate of a fully socialized economy, ‘As soon as one gives up the conception of a freely established monetary price for goods of a higher order, rational production becomes completely impossible.'” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Constituting Constitutional Economics

– September 17, 2021

“As Smith himself put it: ‘Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice.'” ~ Alexander William Salter


China’s Export Subsidies Are a Gift

– September 16, 2021

“Misguided retaliation that would eliminate the advantages that cheaper Chinese goods offer would result in unnecessary self-inflicted costs and forgone benefits to the American economy.” ~ Theodore A. Gebhard


Hating Landlords Misplaces the Blame

– September 16, 2021

“In greedy-bastard economics, rather than tracing their understanding of something they dislike back to its ultimate source, people only trace it back until they get to someone they can demonize as a greedy bastard.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Test of Time: The Most Important Failure of US Covid Response

– September 15, 2021

“It is becoming clear that the U.S. failure to yoke up with the private sector is the most important, but least-commented on, failure of Covid response overall.” ~ Michael Munger


Trouble Transacting with Bitcoin

– September 14, 2021

“Problems with bitcoin’s design––including its suboptimal supply constraint and limited transactions capacity––cast doubt on the claim that bitcoin is superior to the monies widely used at present.” ~ William J. Luther


How Experts Can Fail Even When They Are Right

– September 14, 2021

“Like experts on energy efficiency don’t know where to set your thermostat, experts on health risks don’t know which bundle of risks and precautions is the right one given your goals and values.” ~ Art Carden


Military Equipment and the Labor Theory of Value

– September 13, 2021

“Ludwig von Mises once joked that only the government could take a useful commodity like paper, slap some ink on it, and make it worthless. We appear to have a similar problem with military equipment.” ~ Clifford F. Theis


What’s Wrong With Bitcoin’s Supply Mechanism?

– September 10, 2021

“Bitcoin’s supply mechanism fails to provide a long-run nominal anchor or promote monetary stability. A better money would employ a supply mechanism that offsets changes in the demand to hold it.” ~ William J. Luther


The Radical Message of Economics Well-Learned

– September 9, 2021

“I’ve no complaint against economists who craft their public messages in order to avoid a loss of audience. But I do worry that these efforts subtly create in the minds of many such economists unwarranted doubts about the merits of laissez faire.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux