Topic: Economic Education

Dangerous Demographics in the Monthly Labor Summary

– September 8, 2021

“We’re outside the range of the ‘full employment’ unemployment rate. The economy is, as many people sense, not as good as the official statistics say.” ~ Clifford F. Thies


Markets Already Internalize Externalities

– September 8, 2021

“What’s so fascinating about this instance is that the economist corps already knows this: markets internalize externalities – by land value, by selection, by trade-off along other margins that matter to people.” ~ Joakim Book


Searching for Good Governance

– September 8, 2021

“Applications of constitutional political economy include constitutional design and assessment. Finding the right mixture of voice and exit is one of the most important parts. Let’s get started.” ~ Alexander William Salter


What Is Tax Fairness?

– September 7, 2021

“I suspect that, in a prosperous and growing economy, questions of ‘fairness’ will lose much of their political cachet and recede to the academic lounges where they belong.” ~ Theodore A. Gebhard


Economics in Three I’s: Incentives, Institutions, and Intentions

– September 7, 2021

“Economics is the study of human action and its unintended consequences, and if you take away three Is–Incentives Matter, Institutions Matter, Intentions Don’t Matter (as much as you think)–then you are on the road to wisdom.” ~ Art Carden


Bitcoin and the Network Effects Problem

– September 6, 2021

“There are steps entrepreneurs can take to help reduce the network effects problem. It is, nonetheless, an obstacle bitcoin must overcome to achieve widespread adoption.” ~ William J. Luther


The Great Reconsideration

– September 6, 2021

“If not merely a response to what has been a confusing, stressful, and financially challenging year-and-a-half, the Great Reconsideration of work, life, and self-actualization is likely to resonate vastly beyond the coming months.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Free Enterprise Day

– September 6, 2021

“Our schools could celebrate Free Enterprise Day by devoting some time to teach about the nature of risk-taking and how it benefits everyone, not just the wealthy.” ~ John Barry


Jerome Powell’s Quest for Economic Stability is Destabilizing

– September 5, 2021

“By trying to pursue their declared goals through the monetary and interest rate policy tools at their disposal, they are, in fact, continuing to imbalance and wrongly ‘twist’ the real economy in ways that will result in instability.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


The Sunk Cost Fallacy in the War on Terror

– September 3, 2021

“A sunk cost is an outlay (monetary or otherwise) that cannot be recouped once made. In economics, we teach our students that sunk costs should not factor into our decision-making.” ~ Abigail R. Hall Blanco


Made in France: Biden’s Fiscal and Regulatory Socialism

– August 29, 2021

“President Biden has chosen to impose an old and expired French ideological import known as indicative planning. We can look forward to even more fiscal and regulatory socialism in the months and years to come.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Stakeholders v. Stockholders

– August 28, 2021

“Most investors don’t want the corporations they own to oppose X or support Y and those who do are free to reinvest dividends or the profits from stock sales in whatever lawful causes they wish.” ~ Robert E. Wright