Topic: Free Markets

Speculations on Origins and Endings: An Essay on The Essential UCLA School of Economics

– January 1, 2022

“The best thing about David Henderson and Steven Globerman’s book (even better than the fact that it’s well-written, interesting, and offered at zero price) is the way it connects research that came out of UCLA to broader ideas.” ~ Michael L. Davis


The Live Free or Die State Points the Way to Low Taxes and Freedom

– December 30, 2021

“If you dream of a world where Congress respects your rights more than they covet campaign contributions from crony interests, the Congressional Apportionment Amendment would go a long way to restoring the Founder’s vision of a republic that guarantees individual rights.” ~ Barry Brownstein


Winning Freedom Requires Some Radical Solutions

– December 29, 2021

“Unless there are voices unafraid to present clearly and persuasively the principled and uncompromising case for a truly free society, the goal of liberty may never be established.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Smithian and Anti-Smithian Economists

– December 29, 2021

“Smithian economists make their livings by exposing the many economic fallacies embraced by the man-in-the-street and peddled by vote-hungry politicians and click-crazy pundits. These economists will never want for work.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Three Signs You’re Not Actually a Socialist

– December 27, 2021

“You may not find yourself worshiping at the altar of capitalism, but if you like iPhones, comparison shopping, and merit-based pay, you’re probably not a socialist.” ~ Albert Eisenberg


The War on Christmas?

– December 25, 2021

“Asking the state to celebrate the holiday is no less hostile to freedom than is asking the state to prohibit its celebration. Christmas is, after all, a celebration. And the last thing anyone should want is the government showing up at the festivities.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies


Transferism, Not Socialism, Is the Drug Americans Are Hooked On

– December 24, 2021

“We have polluted our political discourse with two words that no longer have much meaning: socialism and capitalism. In the process, we don’t call the animating principle of modern American politics what it actually is: transferism.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies


Adam Smith’s Economic Case against Imperialism

– December 21, 2021

“Adam Smith predicted that the nation that would arise from those colonies would become the most powerful nation in the world. On top of all this, Smith made a terse but passionate defense of economic freedom.” ~ David R. Henderson


Why This Year’s Nobel Prize in Economics Changes Nothing on the Minimum Wage Debate

– December 21, 2021

“The two Card and Krueger studies have major issues, and they do not support the narrative in favor of minimum wage laws. Yet, as expected, this has not stopped many from using this paper in the classroom for teaching the effects of minimum wages on unemployment.” ~ Klajdi Bregu


Nirvana and the Theory of the Firm

– December 20, 2021

“Over and over, people, including many economists, have misunderstood issues such as these when evaluating real world firms through the combination of simplifying assumptions that make real issues disappear and a failure to apply the self-interest test.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Supply and Demand Is Not Just for Microeconomics

– December 16, 2021

“The usefulness of supply and demand is most obvious in the case of microeconomics, which focuses on households and firms. But it’s just as handy for macroeconomics in studying economy-wide phenomena like growth and business cycles.” ~ Alexander William Salter


Disrupting the Five Temples of Power

– December 16, 2021

“Yes, there will be setbacks. And things are likely to get worse before they get better. But the Decentralist revolution is a djinn, and Satoshi Nakamoto opened the bottle back in 2009.” ~ Max Borders