Topic: Free Markets

2021 In 21 Numbers

– January 20, 2022

“In retrospect, 2021 looks more and more like 1979. Here are 21 noteworthy data points–prices, percentages, dates and other forms of quantitative information–that highlight or exemplify certain developments in 2021, the second year of the pandemic.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Trade-Offs in Economics

– January 19, 2022

“Real-world complications highlight the limits of applying the basic idea of trade-offs in economics, but even with these complications, understanding this one basic economic principle offers powerful insights into consumer choice, economic growth, and international trade.” ~ Robert F. Mulligan


Politics is Dead. Now What?

– January 19, 2022

“A revolution in entrepreneurship – subversive innovation – is the tip of the spear for societal change. Never forget that you are launching your attack from the highest moral high ground of all: consent. Your enemies will have to fight you from the low perch of compulsion.” ~ Max Borders


Are Last-Mile Solution Scooters Safe?

– January 17, 2022

“We all know it’s impossible in life to be sure that anything is perfectly safe and there’s nothing wrong with assuming the risk of certain activities when we understand what we’re getting into.” ~ Aron Solomon


Even Bastiat’s Correspondence Shows His Love of Liberty

– January 17, 2022

“Frederic Bastiat advocated a government that, by focusing narrowly on ensuring that individuals ‘did not encroach on the freedom of others,’ guarantees citizens the ability to ‘fully and completely enjoy the free exercise of his or her physical, mental, and moral faculties.'” ~ Gary M. Galles


A Marvelous, Humanitarian Substance

– January 17, 2022

“Adjustments of money prices are the easiest and most obvious way of causing each other to overlook goods’ and services’ non-monetary aspects that would otherwise reduce the amount of mutually advantageous exchange that occurs.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Does Modern Technology Enable Communism?

– January 14, 2022

“Let us hope that one day proponents of communism can find it within themselves to finally listen to Mises and Hayek, free themselves from the chains of planning, and embrace what is truly radical: free markets and a free society.” ~ Kenneth Kalczuk


The Very American Meaning of Roman Kaplan, Founder of Russian Samovar

– January 11, 2022

“All we know is that for people of all stripes around the world, there’s an American inside many of them just bursting to flower. Roman Kaplan’s beautiful life is a reminder that we erect barriers to very American people the world over to our detriment.” ~ John Tamny


Yes, Senator, “Enough is Enough” – But Not How You Think

– January 5, 2022

“Senator Warren would probably be surprised (perhaps even horrified) to find that one of the great exponents of Public Choice Theory agrees with her that federal student aid programs are regressive.” ~ George Leef


In Search of Humility

– January 4, 2022

“Our lack of humility about what we can know and the worth of our value judgments in transforming reality is a problem in public life. Just about everyone would be better off if we had more contemplative realists like Hayek and Voegelin and fewer political activists.” ~ Todd Myers


Encountering Thomas Sowell

– January 3, 2022

“If we are lucky, this documentary and Riley’s biography will be part of the necessary and overdue work of rectifying the oversight. I suppose I owe my aunt an apology.” ~ Thomas Chatterton Williams


A Simple New Year’s Resolution

– January 3, 2022

“Let lovers of liberty resolve this New Year to turn against collectivist groupthink and return to the basic principles of economics and common sense that made America’s first 245.5 years relatively happy and prosperous.” ~ Robert E. Wright