Topic: Free Markets

How to Think about Inflation

– March 13, 2022

“If we want to understand inflation, we need a framework to organize our thoughts. Economies are fiendishly complex; without a model that helps us focus on the relevant details, we’re lost in the woods.” ~ Alexander William Salter


Industrial Policy? Try Competition and Entrepreneurship Instead

– March 11, 2022

“The entrepreneurship-plus-competition path to a broader-based American economy in a post-Covid world requires humility about what governments can reasonably do if the goal is to promote diversification of the U.S. economy.” ~ Samuel Gregg


Do Greedy Countries Have Higher Inflation?

– March 11, 2022

“Blaming big corporations for inflation no doubt serves the political interests of Sens. Warren and Sanders. But it is inconsistent with the available data. That is not surprising: It is inconsistent with standard monetary economics as well.” ~ Nicolás Cachanosky


Solving the Post-Pandemic Plastic Pollution Problem

– March 11, 2022

“Research initiatives must begin investigating and investing in treating our oceans and landscapes for the masks and tests polluting them, like they are viruses themselves.” ~ Connor Tomlinson


A Flawed Report in the Funding Debate

– March 10, 2022

“Not all higher ed dollars are created equal. Idaho’s legislators should create more incentives for the state’s students and colleges to excel instead of simply maintaining the institutional status quo.” ~ Stephen C. Miller & Jason Jewell


The Economic Way of Seeing

– March 8, 2022

“Recognizing the ability to see what isn’t there as something that makes many of economics’ graphical tools so useful can ground the understanding of those who teach economics, as well as those who take it.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Adam Smith Mends a Broken Heart

– March 7, 2022

“In modern medicine, the enormous size of the cooperation horizon fosters specialization by professionals such as Dr. F and Nurse A. that would be unimaginable in a world without division of labor.” ~ Michael Munger


Newsweek Discovers Black Conservatives

– March 6, 2022

“Conservatives honor their heritage, but when they look in the mirror they see a person, not a black person or a white person. But how does this work when you’re the only black person in a group?” ~ Clifford F. Thies


On Human Responsibility

– March 4, 2022

“We are indeed smart and reasonable, but typically only when we each personally experience, in unambiguous ways, a significant portion of the material costs and benefits of each of our choices.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Leave Me Alone and I’ll Make You Rich, Eh? Four Canadian Innovators and Their Achievements

– March 1, 2022

“These are hardly the stories of hardened enemies of society. Their ‘crimes’ are like those of the American Robber Barons: They found new ways to give people goods and services they wanted at prices they were willing to pay.” ~ Art Carden


Misjudging Nudging

– February 28, 2022

“The problem is not that we are allowed to make too many of our own choices. The problem is government, and the real solution is the opposite of what nudgers propose: expanding liberty.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Making US Foreign Policy About Americans

– February 26, 2022

“Policymakers should put the interests of the American people first. How to best protect them? Remember the disasters resulting from Washington’s recent string of endless wars, and ponder the coming fiscal tsunami.” ~ Doug Bandow