Topic: Economic Education

Why Studying Economics Requires Curiosity

– July 11, 2022

“Studying economics requires curiosity because economics is about providing answers to social mysteries, not about condemning or praising social interaction. To make this point is to suggest that curiosity’s close intellectual cousin—humility—is also crucial to the economist’s task.” ~ Caleb S. Fuller


Assessing Risks Accurately Requires Accurate Information

– July 9, 2022

“Each of us in our private lives has strong incentives to make these assessments correctly, for if we don’t, we personally suffer. Politicians and bureaucrats, in contrast, not only do not personally suffer if they impose excessive precautions, they are often lauded for doing so.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Understanding “Underpaid” Workers

– July 8, 2022

“Money ultimately comes from employees’ pockets, but they blame their employers instead of the government for reducing what they take home as a result. When workers say ‘I was robbed,’ they may be correct–but they finger the wrong suspect.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Politics Without Romance – Why the World Looks the Way It Does | Liberty Curious (Video)

– July 8, 2022

“In this episode of Liberty Curious, AIER Senior Research Faculty Ryan Yonk joins Kate Wand to discuss Public Choice theory, which James Buchanan famously described as ‘politics without romance.’” ~ AIER


Free Riding, Expressive Voting and Charity

– July 6, 2022

“To the extent the free-rider problem does arise, it is true that government intervention can change how much charity is provided. But that does not mean the result is closer to what we ‘really want’ to give than what we actually give.” ~ Gary M. Galles


How To Defeat China Economically? Don’t Follow Its Worst Practices

– July 5, 2022

“The Biden administration’s new PGII program is unlikely to improve upon past development initiatives. To start, it seems unlikely to offer anything new. Worse, it is a political exercise aimed at China.” ~ Doug Bandow


The USFL and Labor Markets

– July 5, 2022

“Since many kids dream of being pro athletes and sports generate billions in revenue, voluntary participation is not a problem. But sports generate enormous rents and competition to capture these rents ensures enduring strife between labor and management.” ~ Daniel Sutter


Four Amazing Differences

– July 3, 2022

“What causes the great and overwhelmingly successful coordination across the globe of the productive efforts of billions of strangers? And why is this coordination so silent and incessant that we take it for granted? We hardly notice it.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Five Ways Minimum Wage Studies Fail

– July 3, 2022

“We’d all do well to keep these five points in mind the next time we see a study touting that when it comes to the minimum wage there is, in fact, a free lunch.” ~ Caleb S. Fuller


Inflation: Hidden Costs & Debunking Myths | Liberty Curious (Video)

– July 1, 2022

“In this episode of Liberty Curious, AIER Research Faculty Peter C. Earle discusses some of the lesser-known costs of inflation. He also provides an overview of what inflation actually is- and what really causes it.” ~ AIER


Inflation and Time

– June 30, 2022

“The monetary regime that we have had since Richard Nixon closed the gold window is one of persistent price inflation. A comparison of money prices today and money prices in 1971 are essentially meaningless.” ~ Joshua R. Hendrickson


Studying Economics Instills Gratitude

– June 28, 2022

“Grateful hearts want to see the sort of prosperity they have enjoyed extended to others near and far. Fortunately, economics also offers the prosperity recipe—if only we have ears to listen.” ~ Caleb S. Fuller