Topic: Regulation

The Dangers and Opportunities of Biden’s New Antitrust Order

– July 14, 2021

“Biden’s executive order is filled with aggressive and romantic language that seems to harken back to the tired old age of early 20th-century trust busting that reeks of disdain for large corporations just for the sake of being large. At the same time, the order does pay some respect to the idea that economic freedom is a necessary component for encouraging competition.” ~ Ethan Yang


A Conversation on Occupational Licensing

– July 5, 2021

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan interviews AIER Visiting Research Fellow and Economics PhD candidate at Middle Tennessee State University Protik Nandy to discuss occupational licensing. Occupational licensing continues to intrude into more areas of American economic life, creating little benefit for public safety while harming both workers and consumers.” ~ Ethan Yang


A Faster Drug Approval Process May Be Coming Soon!

– July 4, 2021

“Recent history is on the side of less oversight and more patient access. Giving less power to government agencies to decide which drugs are safe and effective and under what circumstances provides more freedom for doctors and drug producers to help patients. It’s a literal life-or-death cause worth fighting for.” ~ Raymond J. March


A Conversation With the Great Richard Epstein

– July 2, 2021

“On this episode of the AIER Authors Corner, Ethan Yang interviews Richard Epstein, who is quite simply, one of the most influential legal scholars in the world. Epstein is the Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law at New York University Law School, and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago.” ~ AIER


The Woke Business Complex

– June 24, 2021

“Just think, though, of the uproarious applause that would occur if governments would stop over-regulating and over-taxing economic agents and allow every human to thrive instead of diverting resources to the Woke Business Complex! But curbing government overreach would require a more ‘equitable’ distribution of political and soft power. Where’s the meme for that?” ~ Robert E. Wright


Do We Need Patents? A Look at Biological Innovations in 19th Century America

– June 24, 2021

“Considerable resources are expended in the regulatory process to obtain (and defend) patents which may be unnecessary incentives to innovation. In the process, we may end up deterring innovation. With our presently heightened sense of the importance of research and development in setting our living standards, this possibility must be seriously taken into consideration.” ~ Vincent Geloso


How the Market Drives Down Costs

– June 24, 2021

“The market forces of competition and price sensitivity, combined with increasing productivity that leads to higher wages, allow living standards to rise. However, government policies and perverse incentives can shield service providers from market forces, undermining competition and eroding U.S. standards of living.” ~ Ethan Yang


Morningstar Right To Fight SEC Encroachment

– June 23, 2021

“Morningstar is right to push back. If only other corporations would do likewise and not cave in to regulatory rules rooted in agency staffer self-interest rather than reason. Free markets can stand some regulation but not virtual takeover by bureaucratic fiat.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Which Antitrust Doctrine Deserves Your Trust?

– June 18, 2021

“Proper reforms should leverage more market functions, not less. In contrast, the neo-Brandeisian model will reintroduce a crippling regime of arbitrary and further unchecked state power that will surely sap the vibrancy from the American economy at a time when it is needed most.” ~ Ethan Yang


Taking a (Lemonade) Stand for Free Enterprise

– June 17, 2021

“The summertime lemonade stand serves more than just refreshing beverages. It stands as a quintessential reminder of how people of all ages love to barter and exchange, as Adam Smith once reminded us. It is in our nature. If we only had the imagination to perceive a world free from commercial barriers, much like our young entrepreneurs do, the world would be less sour and much more sweet.” ~ Anthony Gill


Has the Government Forgotten How Society Works?

– June 16, 2021

“The premise for the modern administrative state is the dubious notion that the federal government can scientifically plan the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The practical outcome is a regime of sheer incompetence and counterproductive policymaking that is fundamentally at odds with the normal functioning of society. It is a system meant not for a nation of pioneers and entrepreneurs, but hall monitors and clerks.” ~ Ethan Yang


The 1980s Called, And It Wants Its Industrial Paranoia Back

– June 11, 2021

“Sad about it all is that formerly free market conservatives have joined the echo chamber this time around, and turned the volume way up. A $250 billion industrial policy bill reminiscent of ‘80s paranoia is the result. Good work, conservatives.” ~ John Tamny