Topic: Regulation

The Myopia of Antitrust

– September 23, 2022

“Intellectuals and officials arrogantly suppose that any contractual term or organizational arrangement that they cannot immediately understand as serving competition must therefore be devious exercises of monopoly power or attempts to secure such power.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


4,000 Years of Failed Price Controls

– September 23, 2022

“The people of ancient Eshnunna can be forgiven for not understanding why setting the price of a kor of barley at a shekel of silver was a harmful policy. Today’s policymakers, who have the benefit of history and economics, have no excuse.” ~ Jonathan Miltimore


New Jersey Bag Ban

– September 15, 2022

“When we allow the power of the state to descend into the most basic elements of day-to-day life, such as what kind of container a business can transport its products in, we see the ‘fatal conceit’ manifest in the most unfortunate and counterproductive ways.” ~ Paul Schwennesen


A Reflection on Bastiat’s “What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen”

– September 13, 2022

“Why does human reason so readily reveal even to people untutored in economics some unseen but real consequences, while it routinely fails to reveal others?” ~ Donald. J. Boudreaux


The Road to Serfdom is Paved by Conservatives

– September 13, 2022

“While once at least paying lip service to limited government, fiscal prudence, and personal responsibility, conservatives now ignore the size of government and fiscal responsibility.” ~ Veronique de Rugy


United Kingdom Data Show the U.S. Public Is Badly Served by the FDA

– September 12, 2022

“The American public is badly served by the FDA’s incompetence, while the U.K. is actively acknowledging and embracing tobacco harm reduction. Adults who smoke in America deserve better than a regulatory agency that has lost sight of its prime purpose — saving lives, not petty politics.” ~ Martin Cullip


U.S. Economic Freedom Index Collapses to Carter Administration Levels

– September 8, 2022

“These new data provide us an unwelcome warning of what happens when the power of government becomes unmoored from any restraint, but the trend may yet be reversible.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Phillip W. Magness


The Best Policy for Supporting Families Is “Do No Harm”

– September 8, 2022

“At a time when Americans (and conservative intellectuals in particular) are increasingly interested in policies to support family life, the economic way of thinking has much to contribute to this important conversation.” ~ Clara E. Piano


Welcome to Joe Biden’s Low Growth Economy

– September 7, 2022

“If Biden truly wants to cement his legacy and restore American dominance, he will have to get out of the way and let individual drive and creativity flourish without the burden of high-handed officials obstructing the path to a more prosperous future.” ~ Michael N. Peterson


Empowering Insurance Companies to Save Lives

– September 7, 2022

“Young people want to drive. Which is the point. Price signals will powerfully govern their ability to. If they’re reckless, the cost of driving will soar. And they’ll lose driving privileges. Problem solved by the free market.” ~ John Tamny


Immobility Plan 2035

– September 6, 2022

“The traffic safety proposals Streets for All and other backers of Mobility Plan 2035 are in such a hurry to implement may well increase rather than decrease Los Angeles deaths.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Despite Shortages and Soaring Prices, West Coast AGs Fight to Block Natural Gas Pipeline

– September 5, 2022

“Three additional major U.S. pipeline projects, the PennEast, Atlantic Coast, and Constitution, have all been canceled in the face of lawsuits and regulatory resistance in the past two years.” ~ Chris Woodward