Topic: Free Markets

We Pretend to Work and You Pretend to Pay Us

– June 29, 2021

“Maybe we don’t need a highly organized, top-down revolution of government buildings and institutions in the shape that we historically recognize. Maybe a silent revolution is already on its way: collectively and individually we simply ignore the rules and ignore the rulers.” ~ Joakim Book


Low Wages Are Not Proof that Workers Have Poor Bargaining Power

– June 28, 2021

“Pouring salt into this economic wound, a minimum wage – by pricing these workers out of jobs – prevents them from getting the skills and experience that would enable them tomorrow to bargain for better jobs.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Cancel Hardware Stores, Not Amazon Prime

– June 28, 2021

“Mutually beneficial exchange is one of the essential features of market processes, and it is pervasive throughout our interactions with Amazon—for consumers and producers—despite perceptions to the contrary. Policies devoted to curtailing those interactions make people worse off, and critics of Amazon should be aware of such consequences.” ~ Byron B. Caron III


The Death of a Visionary Retailer Reminds Us of Private Equity’s Genius

– June 24, 2021

“Instead of sitting on their hands, these investors are energetically reshaping commerce for the much better with their bold capital commitments. Rather than demonize private equity, we should cheer the progress that it personifies with an eye on reworking the tax code in order to encourage more of what’s mindlessly penalized.” ~ John Tamny


The Woke Business Complex

– June 24, 2021

“Just think, though, of the uproarious applause that would occur if governments would stop over-regulating and over-taxing economic agents and allow every human to thrive instead of diverting resources to the Woke Business Complex! But curbing government overreach would require a more ‘equitable’ distribution of political and soft power. Where’s the meme for that?” ~ Robert E. Wright


How the Market Drives Down Costs

– June 24, 2021

“The market forces of competition and price sensitivity, combined with increasing productivity that leads to higher wages, allow living standards to rise. However, government policies and perverse incentives can shield service providers from market forces, undermining competition and eroding U.S. standards of living.” ~ Ethan Yang

free to choose

The Political Paternalists Take Aim at Milton Friedman

– June 23, 2021

“How very disappointed Mr. Carter will no doubt be, when the policies he espouses end up, once again, having the disastrous effects they have always produced in the past. Much to Mr. Carter’s chagrin, it will be Milton Friedman’s ideas on liberty that will be shown to be the far more enduring ones.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


When I Wanted to Work in a Food Truck Instead of the Senate

– June 23, 2021

“Sometimes government might be preferable to the private sector, such as protecting our universal rights. However, for the vast majority of other concerns, we would be far better off looking to ourselves for answers than running towards the arms of the state.” ~ Ethan Yang


It’s Appropriate to Demand That Intellectuals Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are

– June 22, 2021

“Whenever I encounter intellectuals who declare that their econometric research or armchair theorizing reveals that workers are underpaid or that consumers are overcharged, I feel fully justified by responding with: ‘Prove it! Put your money where your mouth is.'” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


A Policy Wishlist for Summer 2021, Initially Composed While Stuck in Traffic

– June 21, 2021

“These may not be very likely, but a man can dream, can’t he–especially when he’s stuck in stop-and-go traffic? If, by some miracle, some of these actually happen, we can move on to other improvements when Fall rolls around.” ~ Art Carden


Decentralized Cryptocurrency Systems and Hayek’s Unplanned Economy

– June 19, 2021

“Pure free market money is emerging upon the world to compete from a position of zero against a Goliath establishment. If it wins, the debate is settled. With luck, but thankfully without the permission of any planner, we all get to witness Hayek’s ideal of decentralization bear out across financial markets in all of the years ahead.” ~ Erik Voorhees


A Conversation On Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

– June 17, 2021

“Dr. Darcy W.E. Allen, a vocal proponent of innovative digital technologies and the economics of blockchain, joins Ethan Yang for another rigorous discussion about his new book ‘Unfreeze: How to Create a High Growth Economy After the Pandemic and more.'” ~ AIER