Topic: Regulation

Private Charity versus the Political Grinches

– December 23, 2020

“We should not forget the power of the private sector not only in the marketplace of profit-making supply and demand, but in the charitable good works and efforts of voluntary giving in the other institutions of a free civil society. Let us not forget that benevolent caring, sharing and gift-giving is what the spirit of Christmas is really all about, and most especially in a society of liberty.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Better Fetters

– December 20, 2020

“Unlike the fetters that are imposed on us by government, those inherent in the voluntary arrangements of capitalism are bulwarks against the aggression of others, whose primary practitioner is government. In other words, effectively defined and enforced property rights create a capitalism that is more effectively fettered and far more productive for all of us than government-imposed fetters that restrict and violate them.” ~ Gary M. Galles


The Nanny State Comes for Robinhood

– December 18, 2020

“Massachusetts’ regulatory intentions for Robinhood not only demonstrate a high level of disregard for the decision-making abilities of its citizens, but also a failure to understand the entity it seeks to regulate. The ongoing attempts to place onerous regulations on innovative companies like Robinhood in the name of the public interest are not only misinformed but they will likely leave us worse off.” ~ Ethan Yang


The Teachers Unions are Keeping the Schools Closed

– December 17, 2020

“At this point, confusion or debate over school openings is completely unfounded. We knew of the extremely low risk of Covid-19 for children in April.” ~ Amelia Janaskie


American Antitrust, Déja Vu

– December 14, 2020

“This sounds awfully familiar. In fact, this pattern has been repeated a number of times in American history since the beginning of the 20th century. An innovative company springs up from nothing and dominates its field—usually a new field. Politicians become agitated and do all they can to prosecute it for monopoly behavior and if possible, break it up.” ~Jane Shaw Stroup


Covid Policies Have Caused Industrial Consolidation

– December 9, 2020

“Lockdowns have increased inequality, concentrated wealth, and hurt the poor in ways opponents of capitalism claim free markets do.” ~ Peter C. Earle & Fiona Harrigan


I, Chaos: The Simple Anatomy of an Interventionist Snowball

– December 4, 2020

“Intervention tends to beget intervention, which tends to beget still further intervention. In the long run, we are all worse off than we would have been had we just been able to avoid getting the government involved in the first place.” ~ Art Carden


The Global Guinea Pig: Airlines to Discriminate Based on Your Medical Status

– December 4, 2020

“Future politicians may be tempted to deny potential immigrant groups entry under the guise of a ‘public health threat.’ Digital health passes could be extended to include: influenza, hepatitis, measles, tuberculosis, Zika, HIV and STDs. And all because, during our trip down Covid-hysteria highway, we threw waivers and personal responsibility out the window.” ~ Micha Gartz


The Great Reset: Between Conspiracy and Wishful Thinking

– December 2, 2020

“It is quite bizarre that we tend to divide the world between awful private interests and those who use glowing words. Perhaps glowing words can be aligned with some private interests too.” ~ Alberto Mingardi


Don’t Confuse Free Markets with the Interventionist State

– December 2, 2020

“The important task for those who value personal freedom, economic liberty and the free market economy is to disabuse our fellow citizens from thinking that what we have is a fully capitalist system, and to appreciate that what critics of capitalism call for and want in the form of even more and bigger government would only magnify the corrosive trends already in play in the modern world.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


For Many Churches, It Is Too Late

– December 1, 2020

“With all the carnage from these various “stringencies” designed to control the mostly uncontrollable, why focus on the tribulations of religious institutions? The history of liberty began with the idea of religious freedom. The realization that no great calamity would befall society if people were allowed to worship as they pleased then gave rise to all the other freedoms we took for granted until recently. It makes sense, then, that the long road to recovering our rights would begin here.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker


We Have Immune Systems, New York Times Reveals

– November 29, 2020

“This is something my mother knows. She taught it to me. Her mother taught it to her. They were all taught it in school. The knowledge has not been deprecated. It just strangely evaporated. Or perhaps censored. I don’t know. I do know this article is a welcome relief from the poppycock of mysophobia that has taken over the public square.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker