Topic: Policy

Why the UK Government Now Must, But Won’t, Abandon Lockdown

– February 11, 2021

“Were it to be capable of learning from its ‘achievement,’ the Government should now self-consciously abandon the policy aimed at the entire population, the most important part of which would be to end lockdown, tiers, and all such general restrictions. But this would require the Government to acknowledge that its policy has been a mistake from the outset, and the general lack of capacity the Government has shown includes a lack of capacity to make such an acknowledgement.” ~ David Campbell


Is the Public Interest Really In the Public’s Interest?

– February 11, 2021

“The fact that something is popular doesn’t mean it is right or even beneficial. A better way forward is to simply lay out arguments in full, detailing why and how such proposals would result in the best outcomes for the most people while being prepared to own the consequences. This discussion should be accepting of contributions from all backgrounds and specializations and be open to hearing all solutions, state or market-based.” ~ AIER Staff


Who Wanted Pandemic Lockdowns?

– February 9, 2021

“That we will look back with astonishment at what has happened to the world is a near certainty. The folly! And people of the future will never stop asking that great question of why. The answer is finally unsatisfying. It was a massive screw up by people and groups who wanted to try something completely new, none of whom were willing to bear responsibility for the results. It will be up to the rest of us to pick up the pieces and get life on the right track again.” ~Jeffrey Tucker


A Nuanced Approach to China Part 2

– February 7, 2021

“Chinese economic prosperity does directly contribute to its authoritarian goals, but trade wars and isolation have not done anything to remedy the situation. Rather a strategy of economic integration will likely lead to not only mutually beneficial outcomes, but also greater leverage in the future if the need to take action arises.” ~ Ethan Yang


Changing DC’s Status Remains Unconstitutional

– February 5, 2021

“By reducing the buffer zone around the core parts of the federal government, DC statehood could very well jeopardize the security of the nation’s capital. One would think that the recent attempt to overrun the White House and the temporary loss of government control of the Capitol would, if anything, have policymakers thinking about reexpanding the government’s buffer zone to the maximum size allowed in the Constitution, not to shrink it.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Did Market Failures Require A Lockdown Response?

– February 2, 2021

“Economists and policymakers must ask the question: what are people actually doing in the status quo to manage the harm? We may find that what, on its face, appears to be a failure is actually preferable to the reasonable and feasible alternatives.” ~ Jon Murphy


The Only Way To Win Is Not To Play

– January 31, 2021

“Ignoring one another is a peaceful way of coexisting; Not interacting is a viable solution unless we’re forced to do so through a one-size-fits-all political process. Playing the political game makes it worse, and the collapse of personal grand narratives have let politics substitute for every other desire we have.” ~ Joakim Book


Fundamental Questions about Corporate Donations

– January 28, 2021

“Corporate governance today, after all, is not democratic, even in the vague sense of representative. Generally speaking, corporate elections are not secret and hence voters, especially employee shareholders, are subject to coercion. Moreover, voting power is a function of the number and type of shares owned, and executives control the proxies of many shareholders by default.” ~ Robert E. Wright


A Nuanced Approach to China Part One

– January 27, 2021

“Diplomacy, economic engagement, and the reserved use of military force are the core principles that define disciplined interstate relations. Throwing them out in favor of romanticized visions of conflict and glory would be playing checkers while China is playing chess.” ~ Ethan Yang


That’s Disgusting!

– January 22, 2021

“If the new administration pretends to possess a mandate to implement sweeping changes that tens of millions of Americans find disgusting, like packing SCOTUS or admitting new states, the nation may be in for another disgusting year. If it follows the conciliatory stance suggested by President Biden in his inauguration speech, however, disgusting thoughts of disunion may dissipate.” ~ Robert E. Wright


FBI’s Newest Prerogative: Shooting Subway Passengers

– December 21, 2020

“The prerogatives of FBI agents epitomize how America is becoming a two-tiered society: those above the law and those below it; those whom the law fails to bind and those whom the law fails to protect. Sovereign immunity provides federal agents with the equivalent of legal bulletproof vests. As long as agents enjoy sweeping prerogatives for the use of deadly force, life will continue to be perilous for subway riders and damn near everybody else.” ~ James Bovard


The Return of the Trickle-Down Ruse

– December 16, 2020

“‘Trickle-down economics’ is neither an economic theory, policy, or outcome; better economic thought, not platitudes, are needed.” ~ Peter C. Earle