Topic: Crisis

The 2020 Recession: Blame Lockdowns, Not the Virus

– March 20, 2021

“Lockdowns have caused an unprecedented level of economic damage that has far exceeded any event in modern history be it another pandemic or a financial crisis. That is because unlike any other challenge in history, governments across the world forcefully stopped society from reacting and recovering. It should be uncontroversial and frankly, intellectually honest, to say that it was lockdowns that caused the misery that we were forced to endure, not Covid-19.” ~ Ethan Yang & Jack Nicastro


Never lockdowns, Never again: Introduction to the Portuguese/Brazilian Edition of Liberty or Lockdown

– March 20, 2021

“2020 became the year of the great experiment. Suddenly, “nonpharmaceutical interventions” would replace our laws, our settled traditions of liberty, and love of peace and prosperity, and even the ideals of the Enlightenment itself. We put fear above rationality, division above community, power above rights, wild experiments above settled science, and the intellectual pretensions of a tiny ruling class above the interests of the social order.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker


Essential and Non-Essential: Never Again

– March 19, 2021

“People’s communities, jobs, hobbies, and everyday lives are essential to their survival and flourishing. It is unethical and immoral for central planners and public health officials to attempt to control the spread of a virus – however deadly it may be to certain demographics – at the expense of individuals’ natural rights, physical health, mental health, and metaphysical well-being: that elusive, invaluable thing called ‘happiness.'” ~ Jack Nicastro


This Is a Pandemic of Fiscal Profligacy

– March 19, 2021

“Very few seem to care that we’re closing in on $30 trillion in debt, the symptom of our insane spending. In fact, it has become fashionable to claim that we can borrow without fear of a debt crisis or of any consequences. Admittedly, one reason for this belief is that people like me have been warning about the mounting debt and the potential deleterious implications for years.” ~ Veronique de Rugy


The End of America?

– March 19, 2021

“The new biofascism in the West, very much driven by Big Tech leaders, and soon to be exploited by our enemies geopolitically, is a war against free human beings and against the qualities that make us human. Why is this? Why develop policies that punish, encumber and restrict human contact in analog (unsurveilled, unmediated) spaces? Because human contact is the great revolutionary force when it comes to human freedom and resistance to this form of comprehensive biofascism – the biofascism represented by the New Normal.” ~ Naomi Wolf


Tell Me Again How Governments Are Essential

– March 19, 2021

“I’m still routinely shocked that people think governments are essential to the operating of civilized life and crucial for our well-being. The more interactions like these that I have, the more confused I am that not everyone jumps ship and embraces a smarter world. So: tell me again, why do we need governments?” ~ Joakim Book


The Disease Models Were Tested and Failed, Massively

– March 19, 2021

“The repeated failures of the Ferguson/ICL model point to a scientific error at the heart of the theory behind lockdowns and similar NPIs. They assume, without evidence, that their prescriptive approach is correct, and that it may be implemented by sheer will as one might achieve by clicking a check-box in a Sim City-style video game. After a year of real-time testing, it is now abundantly clear that this video game approach to pandemic management ranks among the most catastrophic public health policy failures in the last century.” ~ Phillip W. Magness

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The Chicken Little Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania Is Wearing Off

– March 19, 2021

“People who can move the needle and shape opinions are finally speaking out against the failed draconian mandates, from scientists to doctors to politicians to other influential individuals, they came to the party a year late, but at least they’re here now. The repeated Chicken Little act is getting old and tiresome. Eventually, people have come to realize that the sky is not, in fact, falling.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


Great Barrington Declaration Scientists with Gov. DeSantis in Florida

– March 18, 2021

“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, on the one-year anniversary of the lockdowns, invited back the scientists behind the Great Barrington Declaration, signed at the offices of the American Institute for Economic Research, for a roundtable on the Coronavirus and the policy response. It is exceptionally educational, and points to the reality that the lockdowners have lost the debate.” ~ AIER


Stop the Cartoonish Excuses for Covid Restrictions

– March 18, 2021

“Pro-lockdown economists faux scientifically chant ‘Reduce externalities!’ Libertarians with a weak commitment to liberty self-righteously claim to be the true upholders of liberty by repeating nonstop ‘We must honor the non-aggression principle!’ But neither these economists nor these libertarians take the time to consider the complex real-world details from which individuals’ rights emerge and in which these rights are rooted and defined.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Only Ending Lockdowns Can Stimulate the Economy

– March 18, 2021

“Regardless of what one believes about the health costs or benefits of lockdowns, preventing businesses from operating is clearly bad for the economy. Fiscal spending and monetary expansion cannot improve matters while these restrictions remain in place.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan


School Closure Advocates and Their Own Actions

– March 18, 2021

“It is impossible to look past the blatant hypocrisy and disregard for society Fiegl-Ding’s advocacy for school closure now represents in light of these findings. We have gotten to know this sort of hypocrisy all too well throughout this pandemic which illustrates the principle that we all share the burden of lockdowns equally, but some more equal than others” ~ Ethan Yang