Topic: Crisis

The Time Has Come for Anti-Lockdown Amendments

– April 1, 2021

“Covid-19 exposed what governors could do in the absence of strong reforms. Without swift and deliberate action there will be another episode of drunken power grabs under the guise of a different threat in the not-too-distant future. The time is now for universal sobriety on this matter and for freedom-loving citizens across the country to rise up and say: never again.” ~ Ethan Yang


We Must Not Be Forced Into Vaccinating Our Children From COVID

– March 31, 2021

“We make this plea and urge those in the medical field to reiterate the need for a thorough examination of the science of efficacy, the potential risks to the children and the evidence that supports the need for such a medical intervention foisted on our children. Failing which, it would seem a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, ‘Above all do no harm.’ We will address the insanity of vaccine passports in a subsequent op-ed.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors


New York Rolls Out Vaccine Passport Program

– March 31, 2021

“New York is just one of several states that is introducing an independent vaccine passport program (Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, to his great credit has ruled it out as a misguided, authoritarian idea). These states are not alone in embracing the social credit score model. Several European Union members (The EU is introducing a ‘Digital Green Certificate’), South American countries, China, and other nations are moving forward on their own vaccine passport systems.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


Lockdown Proponents Have Seemingly Forgotten North Sentinel Island In 2018

– March 30, 2021

“Lockdowns furthered the rather backwards notion that our health is improved if we’re separated from one another. Not at all. Isolated people aren’t saved from what threatens their health as much the inevitable infection from the threat is delayed. Worse is what the isolation means over the longer term. The North Sentinelese are a very real reminder of how cruelly bankrupt the run-and-hide strategy is as a broad form of virus mitigation.” ~ John Tamny


How to Be an Anti-Authoritarian

– March 30, 2021

“We can choose to be more open in face-to-face conversations arising organically with friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues. Even in those conversations, the intolerant will ridicule you and blame you for the troubles in the world. Yet your display of genuine curiosity will evoke curiosity in others. Out of your courage to share ideas and with a mutual mindset of curiosity, freedom can be rediscovered.” ~ Barry Brownstein


Wars and “Following the Science” are Sure Paths to Tyranny

– March 30, 2021

“History has the habit of playing tricks on us and very often turning out in ways that many if not most of us could not even imagine. That is why, in spite of how things may look, it is never too late. But if history is to tell a story of liberty rather than collectivism for the remainder of this century, then it behooves as many of us as possible to point out to our fellow citizens that the political emperors who say they are ‘just following the science,’ are really not wearing any clothes.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Needed: A COVID-19 Lockdown Commission

– March 30, 2021

“America’s independent sector and civil society associations are founded on that very premise—the notion that we can do more in community than in isolation. No segment of American life is better suited to launch and lead a Covid-19 Lockdown Commission—and shine light on this mammoth policy failure—than the independent sector.” ~ Alan W. Dowd


Political Economy vs. Federal Fairy Tales

– March 29, 2021

“Nowadays, the federal government is controlling almost everything except itself. Instead of economic salvation, Biden offers standard D.C. issue ‘no-fault pseudo-benevolence.’ How many more trillion dollars will America waste for another Beltway ‘triumph of hope over experience?'” ~ James Bovard


Markets Are More Knowledgeable Than Intellectuals

– March 29, 2021

“Nothing is easier than for intellectuals to express displeasure with the observed manner in which individuals make trade-offs, and then to assert that this manner of making trade-offs implies a market failure. But assertions are not analyses. When analyzed carefully through the lens of economics, the need for producers to adjust to changes in consumer tastes and opportunities is seen to be, not evidence of markets failing, but of markets successfully taking into account as fully as possible the costs and benefits of alternative uses of scarce resources, including labor.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


China Attempts to Silence Western Companies On Xinjiang

– March 28, 2021

“The attacks against Western fashion brands this week are a deliberate and orchestrated effort by the Chinese Communist Party to protect their human rights abuses in Xinjiang in response to recent Western sanctions for slavery in the region. They understand full well that this attack is a brilliant leveraging of the West’s greatest strength, a free and market-based society, against itself by forcing companies to choose between profit and survival over the rights of people they may never be able to save.” ~ Ethan Yang


Lockdowns Worsen the Health Crisis

– March 27, 2021

“We suspect that one day, the quarantining of entire societies that was carried out in response to the coronavirus pandemic, leading to vast swaths of the population becoming unhealthier overall and ironically more susceptible to severe outcomes from the virus, will be seen as the 21st century version of bloodletting. As the epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff has observed, public health is not just about one disease, but all health outcomes. Apparently, in 2020, the authorities forgot this obvious truth.” ~ Jenin Younes & Kiley Holliday


Inflationary Inflection Point or Temporary Blip?

– March 27, 2021

“If bond yields cannot rise, the stock market will remain supported unless stagflation sets in. Should that transpire, the Fed will need to decide whether to ignore inflation and increase monetary stimulus, including the purchase of ETFs and common stock, in order to maintain full employment, or ‘hold’ and witness a politically unpalatable clearing of both the stock and bond market.” ~ Colin Lloyd