Topic: Authoritarianism

The Bad and the Very Bad

– July 21, 2021

“Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America in the hope of preventing the death of liberal civilization. For Tocqueville, liberal civilization was a somewhere to be defended by its sons and daughters. Throughout his famous work, he expresses hope. Heeding his warning enhances our prospects.” ~ Daniel B. Klein


Suppression Plans Straight From CCP Play Book

– July 21, 2021

“Perhaps we have advanced as a society since those pandemic plans of 2019? If so, it’s towards a more authoritarian, controlling future. As part of its 100th anniversary celebrations this year, the Chinese Communist Party might count the successful export of disease management.” ~ Adam Creighton


Why “Good” People Enable Totalitarians

– July 21, 2021

“Forces are acting to paralyze the human spirit. We should deceive ourselves no longer. Without the consent and assistance of good people, totalitarians have no power. Governments, Mises warned, ‘become liberal only when forced to by the citizens.'” ~ Barry Brownstein


Under Biden Free Enterprise Means Government Control

– July 20, 2021

“If Joe Biden’s Executive Order is fully implemented we will be that much closer to a comprehensively managed economy, with nothing done by any private enterprise free from the intrusive hand of government. Welcome to President Biden’s Orwellian newspeak – ‘freedom of enterprise’ really means ‘government control of business.'” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


The “Honest History” Fraud

– July 20, 2021

“The best lesson young Americans could receive from studying history is a radical skepticism of officialdom and all its hokum. Virtue signaling is no substitute for learning how to defend one’s rights and liberties.” ~ James Bovard


Can the Biden Administration Censor the Internet Through Private Companies?

– July 20, 2021

“Statements from the White House suggesting that social media companies should do more to police ‘misinformation’ are concerning. Our government has lost any credibility to not only be trusted with the responsible use of power but also to be a reliable moderator of public health discourse or any conversation for that matter.” ~ Ethan Yang


A Closer Look at Trump’s Lawsuit Against Twitter

– July 19, 2021

“The lawsuit ultimately hinges on whether or not Trump’s team can find sufficient evidence that these social media giants were/are colluding with the state to suppress free speech. If so, that would be an issue that everyone from all political persuasions should be concerned about and hope to defeat.” ~ Ethan Yang


Beware of Totalitarian Scare-Mongering

– July 19, 2021

“Perspective matters. Truth matters. Failure to provide either is an easy way to dupe people into accepting from the state an awful offer that they certainly should refuse.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Cuba Demoted to “Not Real Socialism”

– July 19, 2021

“We can look at socialism’s miserable track record and try to learn from what people actually do and actually want. Retroactively saying ‘Actually, that isn’t real socialism’ about the Cuban revolution won’t change the fact that people vote for freedom and against socialism in overwhelming numbers.” ~ Art Carden


Is the State Your Single Source of Truth?

– July 18, 2021

“When the State expands, it tends to do so at the expense of other sources of authority and loyalty. The family, the community, the church or other religious group, the employer, the club – all are undermined as the State grows.” ~ David McGrogan


Harvesting the Sickening Fruit of Lockdowns

– July 17, 2021

“One would be well advised to expect that nary a single public official will be called to account for the mounting NPI death toll. But with fear already welling up regarding new Covid variants, and the first of a new set of NPIs being imposed, awareness of the overlooked, underappreciated costs may save lives in the near future.” ~ Peter C. Earle


It’s About Time We Stopped “Trying Communism”

– July 17, 2021

“We live in an age where ignorance is a choice when it comes to the superiority of a free and open society. The quicker we stop averting our eyes and look at the facts, the quicker we can move towards a world where every individual, regardless of their geographical and political fortune, can live free and prosper.” ~ Ethan Yang