Topic: Authoritarianism

The Case of Evergrande: Is There a Housing Bubble in China?

– November 16, 2021

“The Chinese housing bubble is enormous; various economic indicators leave no room for doubt. Evergrande’s problem is not an isolated issue but a systemic problem with the Chinese economy.” ~ Daniel Fernández


Whose Life is it Anyway? Politicians Should Stop Claiming Our Futures as Their Own

– November 15, 2021

“Although Democrats are on the offense, Republicans were wildly irresponsible when they last held the majority. Watching the Democrats this year gives new meaning to the joke line, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.’ Remember Sen. Murray.” ~ Doug Bandow


Stop Protecting Presidents from History

– November 15, 2021

“Continuing to close the doors on presidential records is a clear and present danger to Americans recognizing how badly they have been misgoverned.” ~ James Bovard


Fragility’s Triumph

– November 14, 2021

“As manners have coarsened, so—seemingly paradoxically—vulnerability, or the claim to vulnerability, has increased. The least expression which somebody finds disobliging is now treated as if it were a real sock on the jaw.” ~ Theodore Dalrymple


Biden’s Plan to “Tax The Rich” Will Cost the Middle Class

– November 10, 2021

“With huge budget deficits, all it would take would be some future crisis for this tax to look like a good option to policy makers. And once the rich are subject to the tax, you will be next.” ~ Randall G. Holcombe


The Great Tax Gap Flap

– November 10, 2021

“Americans do not want to return to the days when they deliberately overpaid their taxes in order to avoid a nasty audit. And certainly any hint that the IRS was auditing middle class Americans for partisan reasons would be revolutionary in more ways than one.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform

– November 6, 2021

“The price of abdicating our responsibility is high. As Browning puts it, Germans paid a high price for ‘placing uncritical trust in the ‘firm leadership’ of seemingly well-intentioned political authority between 1933 and 1945.'” ~ Barry Brownstein


Vaccine Authoritarianism Explained

– November 6, 2021

“The vaccine mandates of 2020-2021 is a story of Bootleggers colluding with Baptists. The only question that remains, then, is whether we’re going to let them get away with it.” ~ Max Borders


China and the Monroe Doctrine: What’s Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander?

– November 5, 2021

“The US always should be prepared to defend itself against any (highly unlikely) threats therein. However, the old imperial age is over. As America denounces spheres of influence abroad, it is more difficult to flaunt the Monroe Doctrine at home.” ~ Doug Bandow


An Open Letter to a Candidate for Political Office

– November 5, 2021

“We can always use another genuine entrepreneur. You are rightly proud of being one. Please, stick to being an entrepreneur. Only then will you truly help not only your fellow Californians in the 42nd district, but the whole of humanity.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Booker T. Washington Would Have Spotted This False Flag

– November 2, 2021

“Booker T. Washington would surely have seen through the false flag effort to demonize the Virginia Governor candidate offering the best hope for blacks, as a racist. Virginia voters, as well as the rest of us, would benefit by being as observant on that score as Washington was.” ~ Gary M. Galles


’Till Tireless Propaganda Tames’: C.S. Lewis’ Prescient Warning

– November 2, 2021

“Our government’s power is granted by us, for us, which is why government is limited and constitutionally forbidden from taking our individual, God-given rights. Hold the line and remember.” ~ Jon Sanders