Topic: Authoritarianism

Understanding China’s Financial Market Chaos

– July 30, 2021

“In this case, Beijing seems to be making a calculated decision to pursue immediate political goals over long-term growth. Such trends are likely to continue and will make investing in Chinese companies increasingly unattractive.” ~ Ethan Yang


It’s Time to End the Covid Mandates

– July 29, 2021

“It is time to set aside ‘temporary’ emergency policies. A year and a half of restrictions on individual liberty is too long, has given the government too much power, and has set a bad precedent that is likely to have negative effects on our liberties down the road.” ~ Randall G. Holcombe


Scientific Authoritarianism Erodes Private Property and Human Liberty

– July 29, 2021

“Scientists that seek to present a unified and authoritative voice or are guided by partisan interests should not be trusted when they opine on ‘public health’ or the natural environment. Resisting the advance of scientific authoritarianism has become the front line for the protection of human liberty and the sanctity of private property.” ~ Christopher Lingle


Federal Court Rules Against Closing Private Schools

– July 29, 2021

“The Court’s ruling was a long-overdue check on the egos of California’s leaders who, through the entire pandemic, treated its citizens like lab rats. Its lockdown policies have been the most severe and the most arbitrary, paying little attention to evidence or the law.” ~ Ethan Yang


Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms

– July 27, 2021

“At some point, the federal government’s ability to carpet bomb citizens with free money will fizzle out. In the meantime, the biggest mistake Americans could make is to permit politicians to absolve themselves by giving away more of other people’s money.” ~ James Bovard


The Race to Win Covidfinity

– July 27, 2021

“It doesn’t much matter what the future ‘threat’ will look like, or how damaging the Delta or Epsilon variants currently seem. I’m afraid of Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Though, I don’t think it’ll be a string of a pretty lame coronavirus, but something considerably worse.” ~ Joakim Book


‘Zero Covid’ Experts Put Grandkids at Risk

– July 27, 2021

“We should learn from this episode, though. Worse pandemics will emerge, perhaps even where some tough restrictions are justified. But we need to learn how to fight pandemics without permanently altering our way of life.” ~ Adam Creighton


The False Promise of Sanctions and Isolation

– July 25, 2021

“Our current approach of alienation and intimidation only promises disappointment on both sides. Although there is no guarantee that warming relations would result in the liberal democratic reforms that the US desires for Cuba, anything would be better than the lose-lose policy of economic warfare.” ~ Ethan Yang


When the President Does It, It’s Not Illegal

– July 24, 2021

“Governments can find ways to serve their constituents (i.e. the taxpayers) better for the price they charge, they can lower their prices, or they can collude with others in the industry to keep prices high and quality low. Unlike businesses, however, when governments choose the third option, they are celebrated as heroes.” ~ David Hebert


Why Government Lockdowns Mostly Harm the Poor

– July 23, 2021

“These irresponsible government actions are especially acute and more harmful in developing countries and among the poor because most workers can’t afford to sacrifice weeks or perhaps months of income, only to be confined to what is effectively house arrest.” ~ Michael N. Peterson


No Science Is Ever Settled

– July 22, 2021

“If you think science is when people of authority agree, you’re not just naïve but heavily deluded. Stop venerating science in the singular and start embracing its core, plural, and contentious ethos: that plenty of people are wrong about almost everything, all the time. Even – perhaps especially – those with lots to lose.” ~ Joakim Book


Sanctions Against South Africa and the Cuban Embargo

– July 22, 2021

“The sanctions undoubtedly had psychological and moral effects, just like the US embargo on Cuba. Neither Levy nor Lowenberg and Kaempfer–or any followup literature I’ve been able to find–thinks these effects have as much explanatory power as apartheid’s inefficiency, growing internal political opposition, and the fall of the Soviet Union.” ~ Art Carden