Topic: Sound Banking

“Fed Keeps Pedal to the Metal As Egypt Unrest Weighs on Markets”

– January 31, 2011

“The Fed’s policy statement on Wednesday afternoon said emphatically what we have discussed here endlessly: Nothing is going to stop these guys from completing their mission. Nothing. Nunca, nada, niete. The guvs said neither the most recent pick-up in …


“Chronicle of a Debt Foretold” – Economist

– January 28, 2011

“An odd thing occurred this week. Britain’s national debt jumped by £1.3 trillion, virtually 100% of GDP, and hardly anyone paid attention. The bad news was crowded out by the surprise 0.5% drop in national output in the last quarter of 2010. There was …


“U.S. Must Reduce Deficit, IMF Warns” – Washington Post

– January 28, 2011

“U.S. officials must act quickly to control government deficits or face slower growth and even more difficult choices in the future, the International Monetary Fund said Thursday in a report criticizing the tepid U.S. response to its rising public debt …


“Forex focus: should Britain prepare for ‘stagflation’?”

– January 27, 2011

“Goodness, the market is jittery. The moment the latest economic growth figures were announced yesterday morning, sterling fell 1.25 per cent against the euro and one per cent against the dollar within minutes. Obviously, no-one was expecting that GDP …


“Dividends and Growth—the Two Go Hand in Hand in this Business Cycle”

– January 27, 2011

“The power of a few large-cap companies to sway stock market sentiment is great. As recent corporate events illustrate, not only does good earnings news move the market, but, increasingly, dividend news is moving share prices. This is big and it’s a si …


The Wrong Way to Double Exports – Judy Shelton

– January 26, 2011

Beware of President Obama’s call for a doubling of U.S. exports over the next five years as a way to reduce the unemployment rate. The obvious quick route to export success for any nation is to depreciate its currency. Dollar depreciation is already be …


“Transcript: GOP Response From Rep. Paul Ryan” – NPR

– January 26, 2011

“Millions of families have fallen on hard times not because of our ideals of free enterprise — but because our leaders failed to live up to those ideals; because of poor decisions made in Washington and Wall Street that caused a financial crisis, squan …


Judy Shelton on Just Facts Radio!

– January 26, 2011

“On January 25, 2011 Jim Agresti and Steve Cardone interviewed eminent economist and global finance specialist Dr. Judy Shelton about the importance of sound money. Dr. Shelton is Co-Director of the Sound Money Project at the Atlas Economic Research Fo …


Horwitz versus Eggertsson on the Great Depression

– January 25, 2011

Over at Coordination Problem, Steve Horwitz discusses his exchange with Gauti Eggertsson in regards to Eggertsson’s claim that Roosevelt’s policies led the U.S. out of the Great Depression. Horwitz disagrees with this view of history. It is an interest …


“Global Price Fears Mount” – WSJ

– January 24, 2011

“Mr. Trichet argues that budget discipline would help growth in Europe more than renewed stimulus, and called on the euro zone’s 17 member countries to strengthen “surveillance” of each other’s fiscal policies. In Europe, budget discipline benefits gro …


“John Taylor: The Republicans’ Shadow Fed Chairman”

– January 21, 2011

“Taylor’s followers include the new GOP House leadership, the chairmen of key House committees, Presidential hopefuls, conservative thinkers, and others suspicious of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s stimulative monetary policy and perceived all …


“The Untold Inflation Story: Investor Risks and Opportunities” – Lombardi

– January 21, 2011

“This morning, the yield on the 90-day U.S. T-bills is up to 0.155%. Not a big deal, but let’s look at it a little closer. When the credit crisis arrived in 2008, there was a run to the safety of short-term U.S. Treasuries, which sent down yields sharp …