Topic: Authoritarianism

Judge Strikes Down LA County Outdoor Dining Ban

– December 12, 2020

“The recent Los Angeles County ruling may be the most recent sign that judges are becoming increasingly comfortable with applying the law to lockdowns. This is not only because we know more about the virus, but also because we have now seen firsthand the damage these policies have done to society while providing little benefit in return.” ~ Ethan Yang


Virus Avoidance Is Not the Whole of Life

– December 11, 2020

“We are far from triumphing over the oppression inflicted upon us by politicians and so-called experts, but refusing to give into their absurd dictates is the only path to victory. The more of us who reject the idea that avoiding the coronavirus should inform virtually every aspect of life, the harder it will be for these epidemiologists to achieve their goal of making the new normal last forever.” ~ Jenin Younes


There is a More Beautiful Melody than Fear

– December 9, 2020

“A more beautiful melody would be the songs of liberty that remind us how human beings flourish and what free people can achieve. Such songs must be plentiful and unforgettable, or the sirens’ calls of authoritarians will rule the day during a social mood winter.” ~ Barry Brownstein


Lockdowns and the Rule of Law

– December 9, 2020

“The solution is quite simple; end the lockdowns and adopt a strategy that does not encourage tyranny. If that’s too much, then at the very least follow the law and be consistent, especially if you were the one who advocated for it.” ~ Ethan Yang


Why Did the U.S. Copy China on Virus Control?

– December 8, 2020

“Our governments are ignoring public health ethics. They have hijacked science, imposed life-altering edicts based on bad theories, manipulated everyone with media and technology, and now tell us we can never return to normal. What is the endgame? It can’t be good.” ~ Stacey Rudin


Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists

– December 8, 2020

“I would further ask him to concede that whether he agrees with the ends and goals of other socialists, their use of command and control and their introduction of some form of institutional central planning to pursue their declared ‘social good’ makes their system just as much a ‘socialist’ one as any other that Ronald Granieri might endorse or look more favorably upon. So, whether he likes it or not, the Nazis, too, were socialists, just a different stripe than the ones he feels more comfortable with.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


What is to be Done? The Rise of Hygiene Socialism and the Prospects for Liberty

– December 7, 2020

“When one lines up the groups which are now appearing to come together in a ‘united front’ against individual liberty – environmental, monetary, cultural, and hygiene socialism – with talk of the need for a “global reset” one wonders ‘what is to be done?’. This was the title of an important pamphlet Lenin wrote in 1901 which inspired Rothbard to ask the same question in 1977.” ~ David Hart


Covid Regulations in Loco Moco

– December 5, 2020

“Unfortunately, all the bankrupted local businesses, all the shafted young children, and the surge in cases of attempted suicide and mental illness are irrelevant to how MoCo scores its good deeds. As long as county officials can claim that things would have been worse without its destructive edicts, they can continue pretending to have saved humanity.” ~ James Bovard


Canada’s COVID-19 Strategy is an Assault on the Working Class

– December 4, 2020

“Lockdowns have generated enormous collateral damage on other health outcomes, such as plummeting childhood vaccination rates, worst cardiovascular disease outcomes, less cancer screening, and deteriorating mental health, just to name a few. Even if all lockdowns are lifted tomorrow, this is something that we will have to live with – and die with – for many years to come.” ~ Dr. Sunetra Gupta & Dr. Martin Kulldorf


What’s Wrong With Communism?

– November 30, 2020

“Lenin famously said ‘you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.’ Alas, communist experiments have come and gone. They have left us with no omelets, only millions and millions of broken eggs.” ~ Art Carden


We Have Immune Systems, New York Times Reveals

– November 29, 2020

“This is something my mother knows. She taught it to me. Her mother taught it to her. They were all taught it in school. The knowledge has not been deprecated. It just strangely evaporated. Or perhaps censored. I don’t know. I do know this article is a welcome relief from the poppycock of mysophobia that has taken over the public square.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker


Blinded by a Blizzard of Data

– November 28, 2020

“What’s important is that we address each risk with commensurate care. That the media has consistently reported on Covid without appropriate context suggests that historians will look back on 2020 less for its outbreak of Covid than for its outbreak of hysteria.” ~ Antony Davies & James R. Harrigan