“The use of fear and enforcement tactics to shut down dialogue and debate have never led to positive outcomes in any personal, societal, or global interactions.” ~ Micha Gartz & Lucio Saverio-Eastman
READ MORE“It is still possible that the catastrophic and pointless losses imposed by Covid crackdowns will finally awaken enough people to their growing subjugation. But the most dangerous myth is that Americans will finally become safe after they cease making any efforts to leash their rulers.” ~ James Bovard
READ MORE“Cancellation runs counter to its own goals. If we hope to live by the best ideals that we know of, cancellation prevents us from discovering the full suite of options, instead committing us to the way things already are. And if the aim is to shut down undesirable viewpoints and convert folks to more honorable causes, why pursue the most polarizing approach imaginable, rather than having an open and honest debate?” ~ Fiona Harrigan
READ MORE“If leaders really cared about people, the clearly rational and ethical thing to do would be to fully end the unsupportable government mandates. Continuing pandemic mandates is not just destroying people’s lives and livelihoods. It is killing people.” ~ Sandy Szwarc
READ MORE“As Trenchard urged Britons in 1720, ‘Let mankind therefore learn experience from so many misfortunes, and bear no longer to hear the worst things called by the best names.’ Trenchard and Gordon’s Cato’s Letters provided ideals for the American Founders in claiming liberty. Three hundred years later, their wisdom can help us reclaim our own.” ~ Caroline Breashears
READ MORE“Only liberty can restore the vibrancy of our dreams and end the vicious cycles of violence that have too long permeated many of our communities.” ~ Robert E. Wright
READ MORE“Dr. Birx weighed the dangers and rewards of the actions she was taking and made a thoughtful decision. Rather than apologizing and retreating, she should fight for the average American’s right to do the same. One could only wish.” ~ Ethan Yang
READ MORE“This has been a year of astonishing policy failure. We are surrounded by devastation conceived and cheered by intellectuals and their political handmaidens. We trusted these people with our lives and liberties and here is what they did with that trust.” ~ Phillip W. Magness
READ MORE“Do the aristocrats want the hoi polloi to heed their dire warnings? They should lead by example. Politicians, rule thyselves. If you can’t or won’t, at least acknowledge your guiding principle, which seems to be that some animals are more equal than others.” ~ Art Carden
READ MORE“Donald Trump should announce right here and now that he promises to pardon anyone who chooses to work and be open for business despite the decrees of the power hungry. What a way to leave the White House. What a legacy of freedom.” ~ John Tamny
READ MORE“There are other brave and intelligent people of integrity who have resisted Covid Derangement Syndrome and spoken out against the lunacy and oppression of lockdowns. To all of you I offer my apologies if you aren’t explicitly recognized here. But above all, I offer to you my heartfelt thanks, as well as my well-wishes for a more sane and much less tyranny-soaked 2021.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
READ MORE“Asking Santa for full rationality this Christmas would be to request too much, like Eartha Kitt does in ‘Santa Baby’ when she begs the jolly old elf for a sable, a platinum mine, checks, and a bunch of other luxuries. I would be thrilled with just some sanity in humanity’s stockings.” ~ Robert E. Wright
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