Topic: Fiscal Policy

Is Larry Summers Channeling Benjamin Anderson?

– October 13, 2021

“The post-2008 framework has incentivized the destabilization of monetary policy. The sooner we recognize this fact, the sooner we can seriously discuss a solution to the problem.” ~ James L. Caton


The IMF Should Be Eliminated, Not Expanded

– October 12, 2021

“There are many good economists who work for the IMF and they often produce high-quality research. Sadly, their sensible analysis doesn’t seem to have any impact on the decisions of the organization’s top bureaucrats.” ~ Daniel J. Mitchell


A Current Burden of Deficit Financing

– October 11, 2021

“Only someone who is convinced that government will undertake only economically worthwhile projects regardless of the means of financing – or someone who doesn’t understand economics – can look favorably upon deficit financing by government.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


President Biden Is the Latest to Promote the Fib That Corporations Pay No Taxes

– October 8, 2021

“So long as the tax code penalizes work and investment, corporate taxes will be enormously high. Call them what they are: taxes on individual earnings that harm the individual, and that by extension harm the corporations that operate within what we call an ‘economy.'” ~ John Tamny


They’re Coming for You

– October 4, 2021

“Federal spending is out of control. Politicians know it and they know that they can’t stop it. A day of reckoning is coming. Politicians hope that we’ll keep pointing fingers at the rich so we don’t notice who the real culprits are.” ~ Antony Davies


Poverty Isn’t Just About Money: Expanding the Child Tax Credit

– September 30, 2021

“The truth is that no country ever got out of poverty because of income redistribution. If such ‘redistribution’ could deliver such a happy outcome, the U.S. should have no child poverty at all.” ~ Veronique de Rugy


Biden’s Demagoguery that Government Spending is Costless

– September 30, 2021

“President Biden’s demagoguery, arrogant impatience, and dictatorial manner do not and cannot change reality. At the end of the day, his policies can only lead to a financial and economic disaster.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Biden’s Tax Plan Is a Middle-Class Death Tax Dressed as a Capital Gains Tax on the Rich

– September 27, 2021

“Say what they will about using the tax code to reduce income inequality, the fact is that multi-trillion dollar deficits have made politicians desperate for new sources of tax revenue. And, having eaten the rich, they’re now turning their eyes to the middle class.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies


Breaking News: Unrealized Capital Gains are Not Taxed

– September 23, 2021

“There’s no real news here. Instead the White House economists who did the study, Greg Leiserson and Danny Yagan, have redefined income.” ~ David R. Henderson


Coin Can’t Save US from Debt Crisis

– September 23, 2021

“If Treasury can just slap a figure on a hunk of metal and demand that the Federal Reserve credit its account with that figure, it could force the creation of as much money as the politicians controlling it want.” ~ Robert E. Wright


America’s Fiscal History: From Liberty to Paternalism

– September 23, 2021

“Once the ideology of collectivism replaces the political philosophy of individual freedom, free enterprise, impartial rule of law, and constitutionally limited government, the nation faces not only ultimate financial bankruptcy, but cultural and social collapse as well.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Biden’s Wrecking Ball for Financial Privacy

– September 22, 2021

“President Biden relishes condemning tax-dodging billionaires but that $600 reporting requirement is a signal that IRS purgatory could soon be crowded with average Americans.” ~ James Bovard