Topic: Classical Liberalism

Healing Democracy from the Bottom-Up

– March 17, 2022

“Freedom builds on mankind’s intense yearning for connection. The solution to our fragmented democracy will more likely emerge bottom-up from civil and market society, rather than top-down through politics.” ~ John O. McGinnis


Antonio Martino: A Legacy of Liberalism

– March 16, 2022

“He always encouraged and appreciated people who were, so to say, “classical liberal extremists” (including, a long time ago, the present writer). His favorite political philosopher was Anthony de Jasay, whose book The State he loved. That says something.” ~ Alberto Mingardi


Uncomplicating a Complicated World: The Shining Legacy of Walter E. Williams

– March 4, 2022

“Walter Williams was vastly instrumental in showing us that the best solutions to the racial problems that bedevil us don’t come from the government who all too often caused a problem in the first place.” ~ Tarnell Brown


Leave Me Alone and I’ll Make You Rich, Eh? Four Canadian Innovators and Their Achievements

– March 1, 2022

“These are hardly the stories of hardened enemies of society. Their ‘crimes’ are like those of the American Robber Barons: They found new ways to give people goods and services they wanted at prices they were willing to pay.” ~ Art Carden


Hayek’s Ghost Haunts the Hills of Afghanistan

– February 23, 2022

“Unless Hayek’s insights on the futility of central planning fueled by constructivist rationalist obsessions with remaking the world are taken to heart, such costly mistakes will continue to happen.” ~ Zachary Yost


P.J. O’Rourke Taught Me How ‘Unfairly’ Great American Life Is

– February 23, 2022

“In a world of nearly 8 billion people, many of whom have never even flipped on a light, my daughter was born American. So was I. It wasn’t O’Rourke’s most memorable or even funny quip, but the view here is that it was easily his most important.” ~ John Tamny


Walter Williams: A Legacy of Liberty

– February 16, 2022

“Professor Williams’ research shows how powerful the concept of liberty is, and how it should remain a strong tool as America continues to race on its mission to provide opportunities for people around the world.” ~ John Sibley Butler


Government’s Deficiencies Reveal What No Government Should Do

– February 16, 2022

“Herbert Spencer saw representative government’s infirmities as limitations on government’s ability to do what it had no business doing, but not for its one essential role of defending rights from trespass.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Wilhem Röpke’s Civilization of Liberty

– February 11, 2022

“Yes, markets and constitutionalism are vital for a free society. But if you ignore, trivialize, or even try to expunge the civilizational roots of liberty, dystopia and tyranny will surely follow.” ~ Samuel Gregg


Walter Williams: A Fond Remembrance

– February 9, 2022

“On issues such as education, limited government, democracy, income redistribution, welfare, and race, Williams provided wit, logic, and reason in areas where there was often very little.” ~ Harold A. Black


Walter Williams: Common Sense, Controversial, Radical

– February 2, 2022

“Williams pressed hard for individual freedom and personal accountability. We need freedom to make our own choices, for better or for worse. Sometimes, we make bad choices, which sometimes lead to bad outcomes.” ~ Ramon P. DeGennaro


Walter E. Williams, One of a Kind

– January 22, 2022

“A dedicated teacher and tireless defender of classical-liberal values, Walter’s vast body of work will not only continue to inspire those of us already in the liberal camp, but also to challenge those who as yet aren’t.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux