June 24, 2023 Reading Time: 2 minutes

Where did Bitcoin come from? Since the mysterious conception of Bitcoin following the 2008 financial crisis, people have been trying to figure out who created it, and why.

Joining Kate Wand on Liberty Curious is independent thinker & writer Emile Phaneuf, to discuss the origins of Bitcoin, and its philosophical influences including the writings of Hayek, Ayn Rand and David Friedman.

Emile writes on matters of money and cryptocurrency and has spent well over a decade working in international business development around the world.

Emile explains that Hayek imagined how private enterprise could compete with the long withstanding government monopoly on money to create better choices for the people. He draws parallels as to how Bitcoin is an example of decentralization in the Information Age, and how this kind of technology has the potential to disrupt the status quo.

To begin, we delve into the potential motives of the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Emile Phaneuf’s articles discussed in this podcast:

Hayek and Bitcoin
Cypherpunks, Galt’s Gulch, and Bitcoin
Decentralization and Bitcoin

Emile Phaneuf on Twitter

0:00 – Introduction
0:23 – Origins of Bitcoin and philosophical influences
2:15 – Influence of Hayek, Rand, and Friedman
5:06 – Decentralization and disruptive potential of Bitcoin
6:43 – Concealment of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity
8:28 – Hayek’s argument for denationalization of currency
10:02 – Government monopolization and the public’s lack of choice
11:56 – Algorithmic monetary policy of Bitcoin
19:14 – The Machinery of Freedom
25:03 – Parallel Financial System
29:26 – CBDC
32:31 – The Revolt of the Public
44:20 – Absolute Control
47:05 – Final Thoughts

Please note that the opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the host and her guests. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Institute for Economic Research. The content presented in this show is intended for educational purposes only, and should not be considered as financial advice. Enjoy our other podcasts.

Emile Phaneuf III

Emile Phaneuf III

Emile is a Research Associate for the Center for Market Education. He holds a Master’s (double degree) in Economics from OMMA Business School Madrid and from Universidad Francisco Marroquín as well as an MA in Political Science and a BA in International Relations from the University of Arkansas.

Before focusing on writing, Emile spent over a decade working in international business development around the world, first for the World Trade Center Arkansas, then in senior-level export management roles based in the United States and New Zealand for manufacturers in both the mining and food and beverage industries. As a younger man, Emile served as a Security Forces member in the United States Air Force, stationed in the United States and Japan.

Among other outlets, Emile’s articles and essays have been published by Bitcoin Magazine, Nasdaq, MSN, Independent Institute, Center for Market Education (CME), Zero Hedge, Quoth the Raven, Procesos de Mercado, Instituto Mises Brasil, and have been featured in RealClearPolicy, RealClearMarkets, RealClearHealth, and The Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF). He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.

Follow Emile on Twitter: EconEmile

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Kate Wand

Kate Wand is a content creator. Her focus is social commentary and filmmaking. She is the host of AIER’s Liberty Curious podcast.

You can follow her on Twitter @katewand.

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