Topic: Science


Harford Brings Statistics To The Masses

– September 29, 2020

“I share Harford’s deep commitment to figuring out what’s true. His calls for keeping an open mind, for being curious about scientific questions, results, and numbers, for carefully noticing your emotions on a topic – all supremely useful advice from which most of us can benefit. Abandoning or doubting all statistics you encounter is not wise or clever; it’s giving up logic and evidence in a complicated world. It’s a ‘retreat into believing whatever makes us feel good.'” ~ Joakim Book

bad science

Why So Much Science is Wrong, False, Puffed, or Misleading

– September 24, 2020

“The book, while scary and disheartening, is truth-seeking and ultimately optimistic. Ritchie doesn’t come to bury science; he comes to fix it. ‘The ideals of the scientific process aren’t the problem,’ he writes on the last page, ‘the problem is the betrayal of those ideals by the way we do research in practice.'” ~ Joakim Book


How To Secede from the Biology Wars

– January 5, 2019

I don’t really care who started this war. It’s a war that no one can win.