Topic: Government

The West Is Responsible for Its Self-Destruction

– January 6, 2021

“If we want to maintain our republic, and Western society as a whole, we need to remember the principles that we stand for, and reject the dictates coming down from maniacal politicians and bureaucrats who seek to slowly chip away at our individual liberties.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


The Monsters Are Due on Nantucket Island

– January 5, 2021

“Turning on others with whom we are interdependent is a form of mental illness. The worst economic and social consequences of the pandemic will be over when we decide to wake up from our psychosis. Isolated leaders will never sound the all-clear signal. Our choice is to withdraw our belief in their madness.” ~ Barry Brownstein


On Living In Harmony With Nature

– January 4, 2021

“No widespread event in my lifetime comes close to the Covid lockdowns as an instance in which we human beings have so ignorantly and arrogantly chosen to live not merely inharmoniously with nature but in direct and hostile opposition to it. The final price we pay for this folly will be astronomical.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Pandemic Response Is Our Vietnam

– January 4, 2021

“People are starting to question the failed strategy of lockdowns, much as they questioned the wisdom of LBJ’s Vietnam strategy. While nonviolent protest is certainly warranted, especially when it comes to the pressing need for our children to return to school, we need an end to the ‘state of emergency’ that enables governors and mayors to lock us down in the first place.” ~ Donald Siegel & Robert Sauer


A Wish For 2021: Roll Back Border Socialism

– January 1, 2021

“If Michael Clemens’ estimates are correct, loosening up immigration restrictions would be the biggest thing we could do to help the world’s poor—and ourselves. In spite of Trump supporters’ worries about “socialism” under a Biden-Harris administration, immigration is one front on which a Biden-Harris victory might have been a victory for freer markets.” ~ Art Carden


What Will The Stimulus Stimulate?

– December 31, 2020

“We shouldn’t be surprised that what ultimately emerged was a dog’s breakfast of giveaways for special interests. That’s the nature of the political beast. As we continue to cede power to enormous rent-creating operations called governments, we shouldn’t be surprised by the results.” ~ Art Carden


Fifteen Signs You’re in an Abusive Relationship with the Government

– December 31, 2020

“The use of fear and enforcement tactics to shut down dialogue and debate have never led to positive outcomes in any personal, societal, or global interactions.” ~ Micha Gartz & Lucio Saverio-Eastman


The Year in which Comforting American Myths Were Ravaged

– December 30, 2020

“It is still possible that the catastrophic and pointless losses imposed by Covid crackdowns will finally awaken enough people to their growing subjugation. But the most dangerous myth is that Americans will finally become safe after they cease making any efforts to leash their rulers.” ~ James Bovard


The “Loud Words” that Ruled the Lockdowns in 2020

– December 29, 2020

“As Trenchard urged Britons in 1720, ‘Let mankind therefore learn experience from so many misfortunes, and bear no longer to hear the worst things called by the best names.’ Trenchard and Gordon’s Cato’s Letters provided ideals for the American Founders in claiming liberty. Three hundred years later, their wisdom can help us reclaim our own.” ~ Caroline Breashears


Boiling Mad

– December 29, 2020

“Only liberty can restore the vibrancy of our dreams and end the vicious cycles of violence that have too long permeated many of our communities.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Should Dr. Birx Be Forgiven For Breaking Her Own Rules?

– December 28, 2020

“Dr. Birx weighed the dangers and rewards of the actions she was taking and made a thoughtful decision. Rather than apologizing and retreating, she should fight for the average American’s right to do the same. One could only wish.” ~ Ethan Yang


Twelve Principles of International Trade: Part 3

– December 28, 2020

“The notion that people will be enriched if their government artificially impedes their access to goods and services is as detached from reality as is the belief that the future can be revealed through astrology.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux