Topic: Authoritarianism

spanish inquisition

Reddit’s Censorship of The Great Barrington Declaration

– October 8, 2020

“Silencing debate and demonizing those who disagree with you have more of a place in the Spanish Inquisition than it does in the halls of science. Public policy is informed not just by experimental theories but real-world observations and input from a variety of perspectives. The Great Barrington Declaration is a piece of history and an intellectual force that seeks to change the world for the better.” ~ Ethan Yang


The Great Barrington Declaration and Its Critics

– October 7, 2020

“The writers of the Great Barrington Declaration expressly recognize both sides of the equation and seek to minimize coronavirus deaths among the vulnerable and suffering inflicted upon the nonvulnerable. It should be obvious which is the better approach.” ~ Jenin Younes


The Constitutional Reckoning of State Lockdown Orders

– October 7, 2020

“There is no doubt that the governors across the country have gone off the constitutional deep end in response to Covid-19, exercising powers that are not only unprecedented but unproven. These cases, notably in Michigan and Wisconsin, all share some important legal themes that may suggest the beginning of a constitutional reckoning for governors across America.” ~ Ethan Yang

open again

End this Recession Now!

– October 6, 2020

“The remedy for this self-imposed economic harakiri, this desperate and destructive attempt at self-harm that is governments’ pandemic response, is exactly that: end it. Abolish. Abandon. Cease and desist. Have governments get out of the way and individuals make choices of their own, choices adjusted to their own risks and risk tolerance – not a mindless one-size-fits-all solution that takes very little account of real people’s lives.” ~ Joakim Book

empty podium

The Pandemic that Killed Debate

– October 6, 2020

“We should celebrate people like Scott Atlas who are willing to take the unpopular, minority view — maybe we can learn from them. We should pay careful attention once we know their opponents will not only sling mud, but will not even appear for a debate.” ~ Stacey Rudin


If I Ruled the World: A Dangerous Dream

– October 6, 2020

“A nice fantasy for a daydreamer, but a dangerous plan in the hands of those presumptuous and arrogant enough to think that they could and should have the power to remake the world in which we all live.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Goodbye Grounded, My Favorite Coffee Bar Destroyed by Lockdowns

– October 5, 2020

“Multiply my story by the hundreds of thousands of patrons of their favorite store, bar, restaurant or coffee shop all over the City — and the hardworking owners of these establishments who poured their souls, lives, and savings into them — and you have a partial measure of the human cost, not just of Covid, but of the draconian lockdown policy and the other death-by-a-thousand-cuts regulations that have magnified its harm.” ~ Raymond C. Niles

fun party

The Elusive “Covid Party” Myth

– October 2, 2020

“The stories go ‘viral for the same reason that all social distancing-shaming content does: it gives people cooped up in their homes a reason to pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves for their own sacrifices.'” ~ Michael Fumento

smug, Bill De Blasio

The Compulsory Masking of New York City

– October 2, 2020

“If these officials had our best interests in mind, instead of treating us like children or animals upon whom arbitrary punishment is inflicted in order to obtain obedience, they would contemplate the real problem and narrowly tailor solutions, taking into consideration the impact of any new policies on the population at large. That includes the economic and psychological consequences of lockdowns, mask mandates, and enforced social distancing. Positive PCR tests are not the only thing in the world that matters.” ~ Jenin Younes


Will the Pandemic Panic Card Win in 2020?

– October 1, 2020

“Biden is effectively promising to rescue people who ‘want to be safe.’ But there is nothing in either his record or the records of federal agencies or governors to indicate that people would be better off closeted until notified it is safe to come out. In the long run, people have more to fear from politicians than from viruses.” ~ James Bovard

no freedom

Fahrenheit 451 Predicted People Would Demand Tyranny

– September 29, 2020

“Today, how many say nothing to their neighbors and colleagues about Covid-19 policies for fear of being accused of not valuing human lives? In Fahrenheit 451, silence helped pave the way for the public’s embrace of tyranny. In 2020, Fahrenheit 451 is far more than a chilling, cautionary tale. To reverse the spiral of silence we must make space for candid conversations by thoughtfully considering alternative viewpoints.” ~ Barry Brownstein

davos, elites, planning

Stakeholder Fascism Means More Loss of Liberty

– September 28, 2020

“Like other forms of imposed central planning over the last one hundred years, Stakeholder Fascism would only lead to tyranny, poverty, and the greater loss of liberty and freedom to choose.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling