Topic: Authoritarianism

Sos, Venezuela

Human Gullibility

– September 28, 2020

“Economic reasoning, facts, and the actual history of industrial policy and antitrust, compared to that of free markets, do nothing to quell the fervor for vastly enlarged and more vigorous state control over the economy. As Niemietz thoroughly documents, zeal for replacing commerce and cooperation with coercion and commands does not come from a rational place in the human mind. This zeal is not the product of reason; it’s an instance of religion.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

girl reading

Disease Panic vs. Medical Reality

– September 28, 2020

“I urge the reader to approach Corona with an open mind, and when in doubt, to check the citations. Because, at the risk of sounding dramatic, our civilization depends on it. If we, as a species, can be so easily manipulated into ceding our liberty, dignity, and very lives to irrational fear, I shudder to see what the future holds.” ~ Jenin Younes

shutdowns kill

Do New York Times Headline Writers Believe Their Headlines?

– September 25, 2020

“The New York Times might think about this as it publishes alarmist headlines that obscure actual truths reported within the paper. It’s sad when we lose our grandparents and old people more broadly, but it’s tragic to read of people starving, and heart-wrenching to contemplate formerly productive workers sitting, waiting for customers; increasingly aware that what puts a roof over their heads will no longer. Proportion New York Times, proportion.” ~ John Tamny

we chat, tik tok

The Banning of WeChat and TikTok Is Unbearably Dangerous Politics

– September 23, 2020

“Ultimately what’s happening is irresponsible in addition to unreasonable. Let’s stop penalizing Chinese businesses for having the temerity to operate under less than ideal political conditions. They’re more like we are than most want to admit.” ~ John Tamny

dangerous road

Disease Panic Put Us on a Dangerous Course

– September 23, 2020

“Our civilization is threatened not by this virus, but by deeply flawed reasoning in how it ought to be managed. Unless we make clear to our politicians and our fellow citizens that they are wrong, and that our ability to engage in activities and pursuits that are critical to our well-being is not negotiable, we run the risk of leading this diminished existence for the remainder of our lives.” ~ Jenin Younes


Witchcraft, Leprosy, and Covid: “Power to Harm” as Political Weapon

– September 21, 2020

“Everyone is blaming everyone else for external behaviors — social disapproval eliminates the need for police enforcement — with a targeted goal of perfect compliance. This was set in motion when the government made a bald, difficult-to-disprove assertion — ‘together, we can stop death’ — and built-in a dissent-silencing mechanism: ‘we are trying to save lives, so anyone who disagrees with us is a killer.'” ~ Stacey Rudin

andrew cuomo

Covid Fail by Elites and Stooges

– September 21, 2020

“The Trump economy was ruined. Look what’s happened on his watch! All just in time for the election. And especially in the more Democrat-controlled states.” ~ Daniel B. Klein


An Avalanche of Failure

– September 21, 2020

“When the feedback mechanism of personal interaction is overruled by a grand scheme, even if it is noble and (seemingly) virtuous, there can be strong negative results that cause the central planner to double, triple, or quadruple down on his failed scheme, resulting in even more problems.” ~ Jon Murphy


Should Scott Atlas Sue His Detractors?

– September 20, 2020

” Scott Atlas has a strong case that his old colleagues played fast and loose with his professional reputation for purely political reasons. If the courts get involved and decide against the signers of this document, I won’t shed too many tears for their free speech rights: after all, the upshot of their letter is to lend their professional reputations to violating everyone’s right in the name of disease mitigation, and cover up their political motivations with the veneer of science.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

pelosi, schumer

Be Serious, You Don’t Solve Lockdowns With More Central Planning

– September 18, 2020

“Stated simply, the economy is weak because politicians imposed command-and-control lockdowns, and having done that, they poured gasoline on a fire of their own making with trillions more in spending. Let’s not vandalize common sense with more of what’s already failed. The only economic relief is an end to the lockdowns.” ~ John Tamny

women, shopping, economic impact

Deeply Impacting the Economy

– September 15, 2020

“When the world suddenly changes, we want an economic system that adjusts and reflects our updated knowledge and desires. That requires prices to move, quantities to change, bankruptcies to occur and a whole lot of profiteering – whether in our world or in fictional worlds.” ~ Joakim Book


Corona’s Culture of Coercive Compliance

– September 14, 2020

“We are not to ask certain questions, according to the politicians, the experts, our friends. It’s over when we say it’s over, they say. We must keep each other safe. So cover your nose and mouth. Stand six feet apart. Stay home. Comply.” ~ Jenin Younes