I’m very pleased to present to you the top performers of this year. These are the readers’ choices. I will post my favorites in a few days.
Truly, it’s been a remarkable year. I’m confident in saying that this website offers the most consistently great presentation of market-focused commentary of any in the world. I also want to express, on behalf of the entire AIER team, my gratitude to our readers who are building our network by recommending our content. Thank you for a glorious year!
Here are the top ten:
1. What If Everyone Is Wrong about Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos, by John Tamny
2. Identity Politics Is Devouring Itself, by Jeffrey Tucker
3. Where Did AOC Get Her Sweet Potatoes, by Jeffrey Tucker
4. While You Slept, Government Created Internal Passports, by Pete Earle
5. Capitalism Saved Sweden, by Michael Munger
6. For Most Things, Recycling Harms the Environment, by Michael Munger
7. An Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren, by Robert Wright
8. Why Drug Dealers, Rappers, and Pimps Wear Their Wealth, by Jeffrey Tucker
9. France Is the Socialist Future We Should Dread, by Veronique de Rugy
10. Drunk Driving and Fake Science, by Jeffrey Tucker
The Top Five Videos of the Year