January 6, 2011 Reading Time: < 1 minute

“Chairman Bernanke’s experiment with quantitative easing continues to have unintended consequences for the global economy, due to the impact of the equation highlighted below:

QE2 = inflation [globally] = monetary policy tightening [globally] = slower growth [globally]

A brief review of global economic data points highlights struggles with inflation in three very key countries: China, India and Brazil. While the divergence between each country’s response reminds us that both inflation and monetary policy are local, analyzing them collectively allows us to derive the equation laid out above.

Let’s briefly visit each country’s headlines and data points from today’s global macro run for a quick update on the global inflation front.” Read more

“Taming Inflation in China, Brazil, and India” 
Darius Dale 
Fortune, CNNMoney.com, January 5, 2011. 

Image by jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Tom Duncan

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Related Articles – Central Banking, Inflation, International, Monetary Policy, Sound Money Project