October 8, 2010 Reading Time: < 1 minute

“If every time we bring the results of the sweat of our brow to market, we are subject to an arbitrary assessment of their worth, either we are suffering from deliberate imposts on the part of the authorities, or we are partaking not in an entrepreneurial risk, but in a capricious lottery in which we have no knowledge of the odds involved.

If we are to take one lesson from the current state of the world economy–and the geopolitical stresses and ideological divides which reflect this–we should alter the (oft-misquoted) phrase from the second book of Timothy.

Rather than holding that “the love of money is the root of all evil,” we should all fervently avow that “the existence of dishonest money is the root of all evil.”” Read more

“Dishonest Money” 
Sean Corrigan 
Mises Daily, February 20, 2002. 
Via the Ludwig von Mises Institute

Image by Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Tom Duncan

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