Monetary Economics
Monetary policy influences inflation, employment, and economic activity. A stable but dynamic monetary system is vital for supporting economic growth, individual liberty, and a prosperous society. Therefore, we examine the causes and consequences of monetary policy (including inflation), identify ideal and practical steps towards a better monetary policy regime, and look at monetary alternatives and financial regulation.
Research Publications for Monetary Economics
TL Hogan
OP-1793,'Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Large …, 2023
Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and Public Choice
RM Yonk, D Waugh
Cryptocurrency Concepts, Technology, and Applications, 2023
General Institutional Considerations of Blockchain and Emerging Applications
PC Earle, DM Waugh
The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and …, 2023
Cash, crime, and cryptocurrencies
JR Hendrickson, WJ Luther
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 85, 200-207, 2022
On the origins of cryptocurrencies
WJ Luther, N Sridhar
A Modern Guide to Austrian Economics, 200-215, 2022
War, money & economy: Inflation and production in the Fed and pre-Fed periods
TL Hogan, DJ Smith
The Review of Austrian Economics, 1-23, 2022
The Permanent Temptation of All Governments
“The math of 2 percent compound shrinkage demonstrates that the Fed wants to depreciate the dollar’s purchasing power by 80 percent in each average lifetime. Somehow the Fed never mentions this.” ~Alex Pollock
The Federal Reserve and Pandora’s Box
“In the name of preventing a second Great Depression, then-Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke opened a Pandora’s Box of monetary ills in 2008. And like the Greek myth, there may be no way of putting these ills back in the box.” ~Paul Mueller
Moderate Inflation Returns in July
“To judge whether monetary policy is loose, it is not enough to show that monetary aggregates are growing at historically low rates. What matters is whether the money supply is growing faster than money demand.” ~Alexander W. Salter
There’s Nothing Conservative about Deficits and Debt
“Interest payments now suck up more of the federal budget, leaving less to spend on important political priorities. Since Republicans and Democrats disagree about what those priorities are, the resulting fiscal strain amplifies partisan divisions.” ~Alexander W. Salter
Should the Fed Get Credit for Lower Inflation?
“Labor market developments cannot explain the decline in nominal spending growth. Tighter monetary policy can… Given the lags of monetary policy, the Fed may have already undershot its target.” ~William J. Luther
Milei’s New Monetary Regime for Argentina
“Despite its controversial nature, full dollarization remains the monetary regime with the most potential for long-term stability in Argentina. It offers a credible pathway to restore confidence and put the country back on a sustainable economic trajectory.” ~Nicolás Cachanosky