Monetary Economics

Monetary policy influences inflation, employment, and economic activity. A stable but dynamic monetary system is vital for supporting economic growth, individual liberty, and a prosperous society. Therefore, we examine the causes and consequences of monetary policy (including inflation), identify ideal and practical steps towards a better monetary policy regime, and look at monetary alternatives and financial regulation.


The Fed (Almost) Ruined Black Friday

“A record $1.3 trillion in credit card debt may be masking a weaker economy than the top-line spending numbers suggest, as consumers accrue debt to maintain a standard of living being crushed by rising prices in housing, groceries, and energy.” ~Spence Purnell

Fed Admits It Was Wrong – Kind Of

“So rather than starting to tighten policy in the fourth quarter of ‘21, as Powell described, the Fed was implicitly loosening policy through May of ‘22.” ~Thomas L. Hogan

Business Conditions Monthly December 2023

“Inflation expectations have edged higher, raising concerns about the erosion of purchasing power and living standards. In the lead-up to the November presidential elections, policymakers and market participants will closely monitor future economic data releases to gauge the trajectory of inflation and its implications for the broader economy.” ~Peter C. Earle

Harwood Economic Review 90 Years of New Perils

AIER’s dedication to classical liberalism drives us to address both long standing and unforeseen challenges to American values. This issue tackles emergent threats to freedom: wokism, growing Fed mandates, and ESG among others. As threats to liberty expand, our commitment to safeguarding fundamental American ideals does as well.