– April 26, 1954

Research Reports – 04/26/1954

The Frontiers of Economic Knowledge by Arthur F. Burns

Economic Anthropology by Melville J. Herskovits

Housing Market Behavior in a Declining Area by Leo Grebler

Modern Economics by Arthur Edward Burns

Conference on Business Cycles 

Business Cycles and Forecasting by Elmer C. Bratt

Beyond Containment by William Henry Chamberlin

Unconditional Hatred by Captain Russell Greenfell

The French Franc Between Wars, 1919-1939 by Martin Wolfe

The Lawyers’ Investment Manual by Kenneth Redden and Alexander V. Thelen

First Course in Probability and Statistics by J. Neyman

A Primer of Statistics for Political Scientists by V. O. Key, Jr.

Economy in  the National Government by Paul H. Douglas

The Welfare State by Jules Abels

Two Lives by Lucy Sprague Mitchell

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