October 3, 2011 Reading Time: < 1 minute

by Nathan LewisNew World Economics

Happily, I was invited to a conference just last week in Utah, celebrating the passage of a law to permit the introduction of an alternative, gold/silver based currency. This is actually a big deal, and if we see some follow through from other states (I think eleven others have had similar proposals which have not yet passed into law), then we might see some gold currencies in actual use in the U.S. not too long from now. The lawmakers of Utah deserve a big congratulation. I met a few of them and they are actually quite sophisticated about these things. The conference was also an opportunity to bring together a lot of the “gold guys” not only in the U.S. but from Europe and Asia as well, where there are efforts to introduce parallel gold-linked currencies especially in Switzerland and Malaysia. Investment-themed conferences are not too uncommon, but one with a focus on public policy is something new on the scene. It was important for people to meet each other and talk about what they are doing. I was surprised that there were so many people working on various practical applications, such as types of gold-linked electronic payment systems.

Here’s a schedule of the events. As you can see, it was a pretty big production. Unfortunately, this is a premilinary schedule. There were a lot more speakers and panelists than are listed here, plus political activists, congressmen from the Utah state legislature and also from other states where there is interest in these developments, and many other excellent participants. Maybe I will be able to list a finalized schedule later.

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