Pertinent Category: Daily Economy

A Slowing Economy? Not So Fast

– March 27, 2015

This morning’s downward revision of the fourth-quarter GDP number, from an already less-than-stellar 2.4 percent down to 2.2 percent, might lead one to believe the economic outlook is weak. But a look inside the numbers shows why things aren’t actually so bad, and why we believe the economy is poised for a stronger spring.


Why the Soft Patch is Unlikely to Last

– March 26, 2015

The American Institute for Economic Research takes a hard look at the two very different storylines in the U.S. economy in its March edition of its new Business Conditions Monthly, which was released on Wednesday.


Higher Prices at the Pump, and at the Plate

– March 25, 2015

The everyday cost of living, which has generally been down for the last year, swung higher in February, as energy prices snapped back.


The Exceptions to the Rule

– March 24, 2015

We’ve been highlighting some distinct medium- and longer-term trends in consumer prices lately: Energy prices have been markedly down. Service prices have been gaining while the prices of goods have not. As we learned this morning with the monthly release of the Consumer Price Index, some of those trends took a vacation in February. 


As Obama Visits Cleveland, AIER’s Hughes Talks Economy

– March 23, 2015

On the occasion of President Obama’s visit to Cleveland, AIER Senior Research Fellow Bob Hughes appeared on National Public Radio’s Cleveland affiliate on Wednesday to speak about the economy on the program, “The Sound of Ideas.”


Deficit Projections Are Often Way Off the Mark

– March 20, 2015

The fairly modest federal deficit projected for the next few years has made fiscal discipline a less urgent policy concern than it was only a couple of years ago. But can we believe the projections? Does the fact that the deficit is projected to remain fairly small mean that the deficit is likely to remain fairly small in reality?


From U.S. Rubber to Apple, the Dow Reflects a Changing Economy

– March 19, 2015

Apple Inc. today joins the Dow Jones Industrial Average, replacing AT&T. For a listing originally based on heavy industry, the fact that Apple, the technology-driven consumer electronics company that has the largest market value in the world, is now entering the Dow reflects how much the economy has changed.


Watching the Fed

– March 18, 2015

Observers are awaiting a statement from the Federal Reserve this afternoon, toward the end of its two-day meeting, that could shed light on when it will start raising interest rates.


Happy Employees = Higher Stock Prices?

– March 17, 2015

Companies with happier employees tend to have higher stock prices, according to an interesting report by Glassdoor Inc., which was featured in The Wall Street Journal.


Economic Mud Season

– March 16, 2015

Here in picturesque New England, there’s winter and summer, but as the air grows warm and the birds come out, we don’t take off our boots just yet. The snow is melting, mucking up the lawn. And so it is with the economy as well.


Amid Higher Net Worth, Americans Are Releveraging

– March 13, 2015

American households are enjoying the fruits of a stronger economy, as they are seeing a higher net worth, and are feeling comfortable enough to increasingly use more credit, according to new data from the Federal Reserve.


Retail Sales Stay In Soft Patch Despite Improving Fundamentals

– March 12, 2015

A strange brew of economic data continued to bubble today as retail and food service sales fell for the third consecutive month in February, possibly due to severe weather. But that comes despite an improving labor market and other signs that the economy continues to expand. As consumer spending remains solid, researchers at the American Institute for Economic Research suggested a rebound is likely in the coming months.