Daily economy news from the American Institute for Economic Research: data, stories, research, and articles touching on economics, politics, culture, education, policy, opinion, technology, markets, healthcare, regulation, trends, and much more.

AIER’s Editorial Policy.

The Dangerous Reinterpretation of Freedom 

“When freedom from coercion is no longer a shared societal goal, history teaches that unimaginable horrors can be just around the corner.” ~Barry Brownstein

Welfare is a Jealous Polygamist

“Benefits are contingent, and the contingencies — no jobs, no marriage — are detrimental to women long term, and disturbingly similar to the restrictions a polygamist would impose.” ~Michael Munger

Taylor Swift, Politics, and the Value of Friendship

“During the silly season of presidential elections, which often brings out the worst in us, it’s important to remember that true friendship is worth more than political pride.” ~Jon Miltimore

How to Really End ESG

“It’s incumbent upon ESG critics to advocate an alternative vision, not merely to fall in line with convention.” ~Russell Greene

Moderate Inflation Affirms Fed’s Path to Easing

“The Fed should ignore the political noise and follow the data. Central bankers failed to curb inflation, but that doesn’t mean they should deliberately make the opposite mistake now.” ~Alexander W. Salter

Unity in Disunity

“When ‘unity’ means government policies will substitute for choices we would make for ourselves, it means domination, even though we do not want to be dominated.” ~Gary Galles

Remembering the Truly Forgotten

“Money and finance are the font and essence of modernity. I honor and praise the memory of the professionals who worked in the World Trade Center.” ~Peter C. Earle

Overhaul for the Uninsured?

“Full reliance on a public budgeting system for providing access to medical care is a certain prescription for millions of disappointed patients.” ~James C. Capretta

Kroger Invests $1B in Antitrust Defense

“Consumers would be better served if companies could spend more time on improving their services and less on fending off litigation.” ~Noah C. Gould

Lose the Political Informality

“Politicians’ first-name basis… is a mercenary maneuver to gain our confidence on the cheap. It is literally a con game.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux

Beijing’s Sovereign Claims for Tibet

“Chinese policy ignores the reality that Tibetans care more about their own distinctive culture, history, and identity than they care about expressing loyalty to Beijing. Perhaps this is what is most galling to China’s leaders.” ~Christopher Lingle

Interventions, Easy Money Run Amok

“An obvious set of perverse incentives simply stimulate more risk-taking by corporate management and investment firms in the future, resulting in even bigger future bailouts down the road. At a certain point this strategy of holding the wolf by the ears will become untenable.” ~Richard Morrison

Entitlement Collapse is Worse Than it Looks 

“Voters need to understand that by not pressuring politicians to deal with entitlements now, we might end up with a substantial amount of the means of American production being owned by the government. This will harm our society incalculably.” ~David C. Rose

Texas Must Lead with Universal ESAs

“Only 24 percent of eighth graders are proficient in math and 23 percent in reading. Texas’s public education system is failing kids. The time for bold action is now: Texas must embrace universal education savings accounts.” ~Vance Ginn

Favor Monopolies over Federal Meddling

“Thus, the monopoly status of a firm is not a problem if consumers are happy and entrepreneurs aren’t hampered. Moreover, competition is of no use if greater value can’t be attained or cost savings can’t be accrued.” ~Kimberlee Josephson

How ‘Equalizing’ School Finance Hurts Students and Taxpayers

“New Hampshire is the most fiscally decentralized state in the country, with about two-thirds of the total tax burden being municipal…Households have a lot of choice about where to live, and they exercise it.” ~Jason Sorens and Judge Glock

More Money Can’t Solve Poverty

“From a high of almost 35 percent after World War Two, the poverty rate had already fallen to 19 percent in 1964. It continued its downward trend over the next few years, then has stagnated between 10 percent and 15 percent ever since.” ~Nikolai Wenzel

Dear CFPB: Your Cure Is Worse Than the Disease 

“…Limiting access to credit through these regulations and reducing competition in credit markets would do far greater damage to Americans hoping to access credit.” ~Peter Earle and Thomas Savidge

AIER Explainer Series Demystifies Public Debt

“The debt problem is a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Research shows that raising taxes covers barely a fraction of the outstanding debt.” ~Thomas Savidge and Ryan Yonk

Industrial Policies Aren’t Working

“If other governments insist on harming their countries’ economies with such interventions, that’s their business. We can pity the citizens of those countries.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux

Business Conditions Monthly June 2024

“While the Federal Reserve’s progress in controlling inflation may provide the latitude needed to begin rate cuts aimed at supporting employment…the United States has either entered, or is on the verge of entering, a recession.” ~Peter C. Earle

Public Goods in a Free Society

“Even under this supposed solution to a market failure, we’re getting less public goods than we get shafted for. Like many other well-intentioned public finance policies, in time they turn into pure money grabs.” ~Joakim Book

The Permanent Temptation of All Governments 

“The math of 2 percent compound shrinkage demonstrates that the Fed wants to depreciate the dollar’s purchasing power by 80 percent in each average lifetime. Somehow the Fed never mentions this.” ~Alex Pollock

A Recession the Yield Curve Predicted (Again)

“We get the signal that another recession will arrive within 12-18 months, then we get the signal that says recession is imminent. The door knocks are getting harder and louder. Something’s out there.” ~Richard M. Salsman

How the Ukraine War Will End

“The United States should begin working with Ukraine to help it determine what its political future will be. Having Ukraine become a new Cold War-era Austria or Finland is probably the best outcome for a tragic situation.” ~Andrew Byers