Economics and Economic Freedom

A free and prosperous society requires a functioning market economy at its foundation. Using a broad array of tools drawn from price theory, public choice analysis, Austrian theory, and classical empiricism, our study of economics and economic freedom explores the underpinnings of the market system, the roots of economic prosperity, and emerging threats to the same in the public policy sphere. Our work includes the measurement of freedom and providing practical economic information for people to make better decisions.


Retail sales

Everyday Prices Rise 6.1 Percent from a Year Ago

“AIER’s Everyday Price Index posted the largest yearly rise since 2011. Many prices across the economy are still reflecting distortions from government lockdowns that have caused a wide range of materials shortages, logistical, supply chain, and labor problems. As these issues are worked out, price pressures are likely to ease.” – Robert Hughes

Regulatory Capture, Teacher Unions, and CDC Abuse

“There is no doubt that this unprecedented and deviant child experiment has inflicted significant harm on its human subjects. Thus, while some might say that it is wrong to demonize public health officials, we say that their actions, especially as they relate to children, have been demonic. Regulatory capture of the CDC by teachers unions is a scandal of epic proportions.” ~ Donald S. Siegel & Robert M. Sauer

What Happened to All Those Jobs?

“We have far fewer jobs than we expected to have and, at the current tepid recovery, a decade’s journey to return to the health we had just prior to Covid-19. This is, of course, bad enough. Sober reflection, though, should lead quickly to the conclusion that the ruling class in Washington will manage to do even more to harm the economy in the meantime. It’s what they do, after all.” ~ Antony Davies & James R. Harrigan

AIER Leading Indicators Index Suggests Continued Economic Growth

“AIER’s Leading Indicators Index came in at 88 in April while the Roughly Coincident Indicators index remained at a perfect 100 reading for a second month. The distribution of vaccines and cessation of restrictive government lockdown policies remain the driving force behind the economic recovery. While risks associated with the spread of Covid-19 variants linger, the economic outlook is tilted to the upside. Other risks in the short term include shortages of materials, rising prices, and lingering logistical issues.” – Robert Hughes

Free Expression

“Government can punish those found after due process to have willfully abused tools like speech (or firearms) to the detriment of others but it cannot Constitutionally limit the availability of such crucial tools simply because some people might use them to cause harm. The best policies reduce asymmetries of information or power rather than exacerbate them and that usually means freeing expression, not excluding ideas or the people who espouse them.” ~ Robert E. Wright