Defending Freedom, Combating Collectivism

Against collectivist impulses, the defense of freedom, personal responsibility, and the moral, political, legal, and economic foundations of a free society is ever necessary. Protecting the American experiment in ordered liberty is a debt that we owe to the past, and a challenge to pursue in the future. We examine the following issues in this area: the case for free trade vs. protectionism, individualism vs. the new collectivists (DEI/Critical Theory/Marxism/Social Democracy/Economic Nationalism/etc.), shareholder capitalism vs. ESG and stakeholder capitalism, foreign policy for a free society, and the foundations and first principles of freedom and free markets.


Let’s Not Pretend We Defeated Lockdowns

“Despite the evidence, despite the advocacy, despite the public outcry, the lockdowners had their way with society. Some of them have gotten away with blatant hypocrisy while in positions of authority. The list is so large the Heritage Foundation even has a database to list the notable incidents.” ~ Ethan Yang

Debunking The 1619 Project

“With their 1619 Project, the New York Times has weighed in to rewrite American history by deconstructing institutions responsible for our prosperity and our success: free-market capitalism and the United States Constitution. To learn what is true, listen in to Bill Walton’s conversation with Phil Magness who devastatingly debunks these claims.” ~ AIER

No Victory Lap For Governors Who Locked Down America

“As long as politicians are exalted, the actual details of their decrees are irrelevant: they have been coronated as saviors. Cuomo assured his fellow Covid-profiteering governors that ‘this will happen again.’ This is why Americans must recognize the catastrophic failure of political iron fists during the Covid-19 pandemic.” ~ James Bovard

Icelandic Study Suggests Government Workers Are Unnecessary

“A lie can get around the world faster than truth can get its pants on, according to the adage apocryphally connected to Mark Twain or Winston Churchill (or Jonathan Swift). In a terrible ‘study,’ Iceland showed that we can reduce the hours worked by public officials without any meaningful negative outcome to society. Shocking, I know.” ~ Joakim Book

“Externality” Is No Good Excuse for Mandatory Vaccination

“That the choice to remain unvaccinated against Covid creates some risks for strangers is indisputable. Yet this fact about this choice does not distinguish it from many other choices with similar consequences, nearly all of which choices, again, do not justify government intervention.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Cracks In the Great Wall Part 3 – China’s Charm Has Expired

“It would be safe to say that the world’s honeymoon phase with China is over and the pathway forward will see far more resistance to their ambitions. It seems like the CCP has overplayed its hand and it wouldn’t be absurd to think they know that as well.” ~ Ethan Yang