Founded in 2019

Calendar of Events

AIER’s Bastiat Society program in Washington, D.C. provides a platform for scholars and policy experts to share their insights and experiences with the general business community. Our events address sound economic principles, personal freedom, and opportunities created through markets.
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Chapter Director

Steve Dewey is an independent financial sector consultant based in Arlington, Virginia. He has over 35 years of diverse financial experience in the private and government sectors. Mr. Dewey is especially well-versed in financial crises having worked for several years in Asia during the Asian Financial Crisis with top US investment groups, including GE Capital and Goldman Sachs. Mr. Dewey subsequently worked for the FDIC for almost 9 years during and after the recent US financial crisis where he was involved in the resolution of failed banks and resolution planning for the largest global financial institutions.

Mr. Dewey earned his BA degree from Grove City College and his MBA degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He has been passionate about free market economics and the virtues of a free society since his student days at Grove City College and enjoys reading and attending conferences related to economics, monetary policy, and policies affecting our liberties and constitutional rights.

Contact Information


Washington, D.C.

Board of Advisors

Steve Dewey – Chair

Phillip Linderman

James Bohn

Jill Mobley

Missy Pratt