Topic: Sound Money

The Regression Theorem: In Light of Bitcoin

– July 19, 2017

Contra Mises, explicit coordination might be used to launch an intrinsically worthless item. Such a view is in line with standard models of money employed by economists today. Coordination also seems to have played a role in launching bitcoin.


The Regression Theorem: Misconceptions

– July 14, 2017

Four misconceptions of the regression theorem, explained.


Money in Illiberalism

– July 12, 2017

A liberal society is governed by the principles of private property and freedom of contract, under the aegis of a nondiscriminatory rule of law.  In such a society, money enables economic actors to coordinate their activities.  Money allows producers a …


Dear Mr. President

– July 3, 2017

In the fall of 1974, AIER founder E.C. Harwood wrote a letter to President Gerald Ford.


Money in Liberalism

– June 19, 2017

One feature of a liberal society is that its institutions, and especially its formal institutions with coercive backing, are bound by a nondiscriminatory rule of law, and work to protect the sanctity of property and contract for all persons.  In such a …


Panic of 1907: The Short Crisis That Began Money’s Long Fall

– June 16, 2017

The Panic of 1907, 110 years ago, was used to justify the creation of the Federal Reserve. From an economic perspective, the justification was a weak reed.


Fed’s “Normalizing” in the Spirit of Cato’s Buchanan Brigade

– May 15, 2017

It’s not systemic reform, but the Federal Reserve’s recent indication of climbing down from its $4.5 trillion balance sheet is being met with at least half smiles by free market economists. Release of the March minutes from the Federal Open Market Comm …


Escape from the Central Bank Trap

– May 10, 2017

Cheap money becomes very expensive in the long run. In my new book, “Escape from the Central Bank Trap” (Business Expert Press), I explain that central banks are using the same inflationary policies that led us to the financial crisis. However, this ti …


Time to End the Fed’s Credit-Allocation Policies

– March 23, 2017

In 2007, at the initiative of Chairman Ben Bernanke and New York Federal Reserve Bank President Timothy Geithner, the Federal Reserve System began a set of unprecedented credit allocation policies that have been wasteful, morally hazardous, studded with favoritism, and in some cases of dubious legality.


How Much Control Does the Fed Actually Have?

– December 6, 2016

AIER Trustee Walker Todd recently took note of this provocative piece from George Selgin, which argues that the Federal Reserve Bank’s actions since the Great Recession have done little good to boost the economy.


The Federal Budget: Constraints Limit the Options

– May 26, 2015

Facing the Facts How the federal government collects and spends money has changed substantially over the years. Policy decisions made many years ago influence federal outlays today in important ways. Because of changes in the structure of the budget, the annual appropriations process is constrained, and therefore, is a less powerful tool for addressing fiscal challenges than it used to be. 


2014 Sound Money Rankings: the bottom of the list

– January 5, 2015

As several of the worse performing currencies are in countries where the government manipulates statistics and exchange rates, it is not easy to come up with a perfect ranking. Using the inflation rate is a good approximation. In Venezuela the official …