Topic: Science

Can Enemies Be Our Friends?

– August 12, 2021

“Most of the things that divide us are none of anyone else’s business – what we eat, what we drive, what we wear, what medical procedures we have, what we drink, or whom we love. When did we forget that?” ~ Joakim Book


Bill Gates Praises Australia’s Covid Response

– August 9, 2021

“Gates, whose personal wealth is in excess of $132 billion, called for a ‘very different regimen so all countries can get on top of cases very quickly and be more like Australia than Europe or the United States ended up being.'” ~ Adam Creighton


A Conversation on the Intersection of Physics and Freedom

– August 8, 2021

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan speaks with Dr. Adrian Bejan, an award-winning physicist and the J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Duke University, on his book Freedom and Evolution: Hierarchy in Nature, Society, and Science.” ~ AIER


Want to Prepare for the Next Pandemic? Read These Five Books on Expertise

– August 8, 2021

“When we turn experts into masters rather than advisers, we throw away a lot of important knowledge. Experts definitely have their place, but we have to remember that they respond to incentives and have their own epistemic limitations.” ~ Art Carden


Two Vaccine Doses? Why Not Three?

– August 6, 2021

“It’s entirely possible that there could be a need for a booster shot for certain populations down the road; anything is possible. However, it seems that the evidence points to long-lasting immunity on both natural infection and vaccination.” ~ Ethan Yang


A Tale of Two Spikes: How the Tullock Spike Gives Insight Into a Viral Spike Amid Forced Mask-Wearing

– August 6, 2021

“Let us hope for once that President Biden and the various state governors and health officials leave people free to assess their own risks and adjust their own behaviors as best makes sense to them.” ~ Jon Sanders

The Great Reopening

AIER Doing It Right

– August 6, 2021

“In his recent book Spike, Farrar noted that Dominic Cummings, chief advisor to British PM Boris Johnson, ‘wanted to run an aggressive press campaign against those behind the Great Barrington Declaration and others opposed to blanket Covid-19 restriction.'” ~ Robert E. Wright


Three – No, Four – Cheers for Space-Travelling Billionaires

– August 3, 2021

“Private space programs are commercial endeavors in the short term, philanthropy over the long term – on an epic scale. Expecting public magnanimity was probably foolish.” ~ Peter C. Earle


The Rise of the Erudite Technocrats

– August 2, 2021

“The expert, as ushered into politics by people like Jan Tinbergen’s brand of highly capable and motivated scientists, has been here for a long time. Whether they’re here to stay is a different matter.” ~ Joakim Book


Covid Policy and Outcomes

– August 2, 2021

“Science was repeatedly invoked, but at least the actions I examined here were not supported by science. The reason for this may have been identified by Lord Acton in the 19th century. ‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.'” ~ Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr.


Let’s Not Repeat the Same Mistakes With the Delta Variant

– August 2, 2021

“The real danger with all of this is whether or not we are going to get the same incoherent set of impositions on our lives as the first few waves. Those in power should tread lightly because they truly have worn our patience thin for what is becoming far too long.” ~ Ethan Yang


Scientific Authoritarianism Erodes Private Property and Human Liberty

– July 29, 2021

“Scientists that seek to present a unified and authoritative voice or are guided by partisan interests should not be trusted when they opine on ‘public health’ or the natural environment. Resisting the advance of scientific authoritarianism has become the front line for the protection of human liberty and the sanctity of private property.” ~ Christopher Lingle