Topic: Science

Critique of “What Economics Can Tell Us About Mandating Vaccines”

– March 6, 2022

“The CDC and our public health agencies have now spent the better part of two years orchestrating a campaign of fear and paranoia that ignores the known properties of this disease.” ~ Robert Stewart


Who Owns Our Bodies?

– March 4, 2022

“The very suggestion that medical interventions ought to be understood as a question of property is a call for a new kind of civilization where rather than equal citizens, all people are merely property waiting to be expropriated.” ~ Chris Bateman


How Threat-Free Are Americans from Covid-19? Late February 2022 Update

– March 2, 2022

“Due respect for the virus doesn’t require treating your family, friends, and neighbors as the dire threats that media, public health officials, and the fearful are making them seem to be, either now or in the future.” ~ Jon Sanders


Life, Death, and Insurance

– March 2, 2022

“Perhaps the fact that life insurance actuaries are highly qualified independent analysts of mortality and regulated primarily at the state, not the national, level has made America’s PHOs reticent to encourage actuarial analysis.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Duck, Cover, and Mask Up.

– March 1, 2022

“If you happen to be among the lucky few not vaporized in a nuclear strike launched by unknown perpetrators, you should immediately reestablish your fear of Covid-19, the virus of unknown origin. In the words of David Byrne, ‘Same as it ever was.'” ~ James R. Harrigan


Unmasking the Nanny State

– February 28, 2022

“The only factor that could derail this lawsuit would be the CDC’s rescission of the order, which would be a victory in itself. Pass the popcorn. The nanny state is on the run.” ~ Mark Pulliam


Vaccine Cronyism

– February 21, 2022

“As revealed through various documents well after OWS, we know the agreements limit vaccine developers not selected for OWS from expedited clinical trials and a transparent process for authorization.” ~ Raymond J. March


FDA Continues to Meddle With Covid-19 Treatments

– February 18, 2022

“When the FDA and other agencies curtail private efforts to battle Covid-19, including limiting the use of existing and established treatments, we place our trust in less capable hands.” ~ Raymond J. March


Science Kardashians vs. The Great Barrington Declaration

– February 15, 2022

“The ‘Science Kardashians’ behind the John Snow Memorandum used their social media influence to promote attacks on the Great Barrington Declaration. These charges were picked up by major media outlets, which contributed to the Declaration’s being painted as ‘fringe.'” ~ David Waugh & James R. Harrigan


FDA’s Non Solution

– February 9, 2022

“HACCP is not a solution; it’s an instruction to find a solution. In this case, water contamination on farms, the FDA should admit it doesn’t have a solution. Sometimes, that’s the answer and the best possible thing they can do is to do nothing.” ~ Richard Williams


CDC Spreads Misinformation on Masking, Not Science

– February 7, 2022

“The American people are being misled, and they know it. Their trust in the CDC is falling. The CDC’s actions have completely bewildered the American people. If it continues down this road, it will only erode what little credibility it has left.” ~ David Waugh & Amelia Janaskie


What Can Hayek Say About Public Health?

– February 5, 2022

“Public health as art, following Hayek, becomes a social science, or the study of how people make choices based on their values and tacit knowledge, how they interact with others, and how those behaviors and interactions influence health.” ~ Byron B. Carson III