Topic: Policy

Sanguine about the State: A Critique of Political Science

– May 2, 2023

“Political scientists should be less sanguine about the concept of the state itself and more welcoming to the concept of governance through spontaneous order. And that is because non-state organization entails less coercion.” ~ James E. Hanley


The Problem of Policymaker Ignorance

– July 14, 2022

“Policymakers are forever in search of causal knowledge and powers – to both know enough and be capable of bringing about specific states of social affairs – that no mortal can possess.” ~ Scott Scheall


How Much Can We Trust Supposed Earmark Reforms?

– April 7, 2022

“Every time Americans are assured they will be ‘insured’ against earmark abuses, it is made to sound like real reform. But that insurance is far more image than substance. Perhaps that is why for some K Street lobbyists, ‘It means joy, rapture, hallelujah.’” ~ Gary M. Galles


Do Voters Make Poor Choices?

– March 31, 2022

“The choices individuals make do not affect election outcomes. They make the choices that make them feel the best—and its difficult to say that by doing that, they are making bad choices.” ~ Randall G. Holcombe


Why President Biden’s Climate Goals Are Fictional

– March 23, 2022

“President Biden’s climate goals have something in common with many science fiction movies. The future that seems so far away is in reality too temporally close to make the story plausible.” ~ James E. Hanley