Topic: Monetary Policy

Don’t Panic over the Latest Inflation Numbers

– September 14, 2023

“To put it plainly, monetary policy is already tight enough. The Fed’s job now is to stay the course.” ~ Alexander W. Salter


Without Rules, the Fed Rules

– September 12, 2023

“Committing to a rule significantly lowers the cost of evaluating Fed policy. And lowering the cost of evaluating Fed policy could make it very clear to a great many people that the Fed is up to no good.” ~ Alexander W. Salter


What’s the Harm in Raising the Inflation Target?

– September 5, 2023

“In addition to increasing workers’ real tax burden, raising the inflation target reduces workers’ real wages by reducing the demand for their labor services.” ~ Bryan Cutsinger


Monetary Policy Remains Sufficiently Tight

– September 4, 2023

“There’s no returning to the pre-pandemic trend for the price level. We’re left with permanently higher prices. Hopefully, the Fed continues to bring inflation down gradually.” ~ Alexander W. Salter


The Floor System Fails

– September 4, 2023

“During normal times, when inflation is low and stable, the floor system increases the burden on taxpayers. The burden is even larger when inflation is high, as it has been over the past two years.” ~ Louis Rouanet


Why Are Mortgage Rates So High?

– September 2, 2023

“Interest rates on mortgages were 2.66 percent just two and a half years ago. Why the sudden increase in rates? The Federal Reserve increased the money supply and generated the worst inflation in many years.” ~ Gerald P. Dwyer


The Costly Late Arrival of FedNow

– August 29, 2023

“Policy makers should ensure that the US payment landscape is efficient, accessible, and beneficial for all stakeholders involved with as little government involvement as possible.” ~ Nicolas Cachanosky


The Rise of BRICS-11

– August 28, 2023

“The explicit BRICS goals, which include expanding the reach of the New Development Bank, closer trade cooperation, and a dollar-alternative currency are undoubtedly viewed as a means to alleviate the perennial woes of economic mismanagement. And, of course, to slip Western spheres of influence.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Whipped Inflation Now

– August 26, 2023

“The battle for 2 percent inflation has already been won. Fed officials should acknowledge and celebrate the victory.” ~ William J. Luther


A Macroeconomic Agenda for Freedom Conservatives

– August 25, 2023

“It’s time to hit the brakes on modern monetary theory, functional finance, and anything else that justifies using the federal budget as an instrument of social control.” ~ Alexander W. Salter


Inflation: Expected and Unexpected

– August 21, 2023

“Expectations may be rational, but this doesn’t mean they’re right. And, this doesn’t mean there won’t be hell to pay when they’re wrong.” ~ Clifford Thies


Fitch Drops US Creditworthiness: Spending is the Reason

– August 17, 2023

“The government should focus on fiscal responsibility and better budget management to avoid a deepening spending crisis, exacerbating Americans’ existing economic burden.” ~ Vance Ginn