Topic: Leadership

Standing in Awe of George Washington, American Cincinnatus

– July 3, 2023

“His political restraint ensured the flourishing of a well-designed constitution. This is a victory citizens of many countries have yet to claim from their governments.” ~ Luis Carlos Araujo Quintero & Nikolai G. Wenzel


Ramaswamy on CBDC

– June 26, 2023

“GOP lawmakers absolutely should head CBDC efforts off at the pass, and the party’s presidential candidates should support that rejection.” ~ Alexander W. Salter


Hail to the Chief, President 6PRKr4!

– May 12, 2023

“Assign to each candidate for high office a new, sterile name – something that reads like an abbreviated VIN for an automobile. For example: 6PRKr4. In fact, call it a PIN – ‘Politician Identification Number.'” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Harwood Prize for Intellectual Courage Awarded to John P.A. Ioannidis

– November 2, 2022

“John Ioannidis has fearlessly defended good science for decades. He has shown firmness, integrity, and intellectual courage against powerful false narratives, and AIER is proud to honor one of the top free thinkers of our time.” ~ AIER


Why Workplace Skills Rather Than Leadership Strategies Should Be Prioritized in Higher Ed

– September 12, 2022

“Clearly, the business realm is ever-evolving and this is why management strategies, as well as educational instruction, must change accordingly.” ~ Kimberlee Josephson