Topic: History

Of Patriots and Freedom

– June 19, 2022

“What is a better thing to celebrate than the liberty all Americans know to be their birthright? This is not a partisan victory, nor is it one of one time or another. It’s a universal victory, because the cause of freedom is the cause of everyone.” ~ James R. Harrigan


What Is Juneteenth to All Americans?

– June 19, 2022

“America is a promise, one that has yet to be met. As July 4 commemorates the initiation of that promise, Juneteenth commemorates the work yet to be done, reminding us all that there are still miles to go before we sleep.” ~ Tarnell Brown


Juneteenth: Uniquely American

– June 19, 2022

“Without the Emancipation Proclamation, there would be no Juneteenth. Juneteenth is your day to shine, Republicans. Don’t ignore it. Wrap yourselves in it. It’s your story to tell, and it is a beautiful story.” ~ Thomas L. Krannawitter


The Workhouse of the Early Court

– June 18, 2022

“Magliocca has himself provided superb academic service in bringing to life a figure who is largely forgotten but for his famous surname and showing his contemporary relevance to some of our own important legal debates.” ~ John O. McGinnis


What Kind of Education do Lotteries Fund?

– June 16, 2022

“If the public education system actually empowered students to earn, to save, and to succeed, the state-run lottery would long since have run out of customers. If a lottery ‘to fund education,’ continues to succeed, that is only because it has already, monumentally, failed.” ~ Laura Williams


Conversations on Totalitarianism

– June 16, 2022

“Hiruta’s subjects – Arendt and Berlin – are both highly pertinent to understanding how a generation of thinkers grappled with the unprecedented intellectual challenges presented by the rise of totalitarianism in the first half of the twentieth century.” ~ James Wallner


No History of Education Vouchers Is Complete without Thomas Paine

– June 14, 2022

“Our collective understanding of the history of school choice is lacking without a chapter on Paine. With Paine in hand, we can conclude that vouchers are neither a modern idea, nor fundamentally racist.” ~ Garion Frankel


Censoring Edward Atkinson, the 19th Century’s Elon Musk

– June 9, 2022

“Despite the similarities between Atkinson and Musk, and the coordination between the ‘Administration papers’ then and today’s mass media echo chambers, there remained lines that the government was not prepared to cross.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Statisticians Against Humanity

– June 4, 2022

“Statistics deals with human beings in highly abstract terms. The human being is analyzed—etymologically, ‘cut up’—into various measurable parameters.” ~ Richard Gunderman


Economics as an Antidote to Envy

– June 2, 2022

“Much of what economists refer to as ‘transaction costs’ would be eliminated in an economy consisting entirely of saints, but that is unfortunately not the world we inhabit.” ~ Clara E. Piano


George Stigler, Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist

– May 31, 2022

“For people who understand that there is more in our beloved dismal science that is worth knowing than just what is in the pages of the latest issue of the American Economic Review, books like Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist are a great way to invest one’s time.” ~ Art Carden


Building Uncle Sam, Inc.

– May 31, 2022

“For all its shortcomings, Talbert’s story has many interesting insights, and he is at least historian enough not to abet the revisionist attempt to concoct a ‘usable past’ to legitimize the administrative state.” ~ Paul D. Moreno