Topic: Government

The Paradox of Turnkey Totalitarianism

– September 10, 2021

“The upshot of Turnkey Totalitarianism is deeply problematic, even though there are evil geniuses among the citizenry. After all, wasn’t it very likely a small group of government technocrats who unleashed the Covid-19 pandemic?” ~ Max Borders


America’s Medici Moment?

– September 10, 2021

“And thus corporations are led, by an invisible hand, to promote an end which was no part of their intention, the simultaneous enrichment of themselves and empowerment of party partisans.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Stronger, More Robust Natural Immunity Thwarts Any Case for “Vaccine Passports”

– September 9, 2021

“Even taken on their own merits, these prohibitions amount to nothing more than a coin flip against each and every person turned away. Considered in full, they are cruel, discriminatory, and ultimately self-defeating.” ~ Jon Sanders


The Perennial Panacea of Universal National Service: North Korea Shows the Way

– September 9, 2021

“Compassion cannot be coerced. To have moral meaning, service must be voluntary. It is vital that Americans keep the ‘mandatory’ and ‘national’ out of service. ~ Doug Bandow


El Salvador’s Bitcoin Introduction Hits Early Snags

– September 8, 2021

“Other nations would be well advised to use El Salvador’s missteps as a guide for their own such attempts. And to suffuse their embrace of crypto beyond considerations of technology, observing its fundamentally libertarian spirit as well.” ~ Peter C. Earle


New Jersey: Yet Another Reminder of How Good Americans Have It

– September 8, 2021

“At the very least it’s a reminder that a bad day in the United States is an amazing day most anywhere else. People are in love with what we dismiss. When we lament what’s spectacular we’re just acting spoiled.” ~ John Tamny


Dangerous Demographics in the Monthly Labor Summary

– September 8, 2021

“We’re outside the range of the ‘full employment’ unemployment rate. The economy is, as many people sense, not as good as the official statistics say.” ~ Clifford F. Thies


Searching for Good Governance

– September 8, 2021

“Applications of constitutional political economy include constitutional design and assessment. Finding the right mixture of voice and exit is one of the most important parts. Let’s get started.” ~ Alexander William Salter


What Is Tax Fairness?

– September 7, 2021

“I suspect that, in a prosperous and growing economy, questions of ‘fairness’ will lose much of their political cachet and recede to the academic lounges where they belong.” ~ Theodore A. Gebhard


Government Opposition to Bitcoin

– September 7, 2021

“Government obstacles to widespread adoption take many forms, from mere transaction policy to outright bans on alternatives while providing close substitutes in the form of central bank digital currencies.” ~ William J. Luther


Is It Time to Rethink Labor Day?

– September 6, 2021

“When we celebrate market freedom, we end up celebrating all those who participate in the process. From the most humble of bartenders to the wealthiest of bankers, we all matter in what we do for one another.” ~ Anthony Gill


Free Enterprise Day

– September 6, 2021

“Our schools could celebrate Free Enterprise Day by devoting some time to teach about the nature of risk-taking and how it benefits everyone, not just the wealthy.” ~ John Barry